Thursday, February 18, 2010

One more day in the parking lot.......

We have a lovely spot in the parking lot overlooking the other diesel trucks her to be fixed and a chain link fence………It’s 5:53 your time (3:53 here) and they are still working on getting the very expensive axles put on – apparently they didn’t line up quite right and they have to drill more holes somewhere (Randy could tell you but I guess it doesn’t really matter). I did get to wash my hair over in the truck stop bathroom – one of those sinks where you have to hold your hand in front of it to make it go and I had to steal a cup from the coffee area cause I forgot mine (to rinse the shampoo out….)! Thank God we have the generator in this trailer cause I don’t know what or where I would be working on the computer. Speaking of that it might get a little iffy for coverage in the next day – not so many big towns – we will just have to wait and see. You never know till you get there – speaking of that we did send emails to the race director to see if the race is still on due to them having some warm weather and she responded that it is and the trail is good –
We want to wish a big happy birthday to Lucas today and Bec tomorrow!!!!

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