Monday, April 5, 2010

Back in the USA!

Finally back in the US!!! Crossed the border into North Dakota late on Easter afternoon! Not too much trouble at the border – only about 15 minutes but they did look in the truck and in the trailer with the dogs! Got to Minot North Dakota by dinner time and while Randy was in paying for fuel ($500 worth) I felt like somebody hit the truck……ran out and looked around and then Randy figured out that the air bag blew (for those of you like me that have no idea what that means they are like the springs for the truck – without them would be damaging the truck every time we hit a bump). Once again, as luck and blessings would have it, we are at a truck stop with a garage behind the service station so maybe we will be able to have someone look at it/fix it bright and early in the morning. Saw 2 pheasants today in the fields…….not so much wildlife for a long drive the last couple of days.

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Yea! It's nice to have you guys back in the States!