Monday, January 31, 2011

Yeah!!!!! We made it to Alaska!!! one piece even!!!

Sunday we awoke to a grey cold morning………actually it got colder as we went father north this morning – it was -15 in the trailer when we stopped to drop dogs! And that’s with the dog’s body heat keeping it warmer in there!! Now that we are out of the major mountains it is sunny and looks like it should be warm but sure isn’t!!
Last nite after I posted on the blog we had dinner in the restaurant that had wifi – we had quite the entertainment with 2 natives at different tables having a very loud, almost physical, conversation! The waitress just kept using a soothing voice and telling them they couldn’t do that in here……one of the guys at the table they couldn’t wake up when it was time to go – we found out after dinner from the waitress that that situation occurs often in this hotel/restaurant becase the natives own the place and figure they can act how ever they want to!!
My wish for flatter roads is coming true but there is still hard packed snow or ice on a lot of the roads – only occasionally do we see the pavement and then it’s like time to celebrate!!! We are getting close to Whitehorse where I might be able to find another wifi spot – no new wildlife sightings today – though I did forget to tell you we saw a snowshoe rabbit a few days ago – big as a small dog!!!!!!
Did not find a wifi “on the fly” (it’s kind of hard to find one when you only have the time it takes to stop at a red light……..). We pulled in to another weigh station and this time they wanted to talk to Randy but he said only to say “hi” – so no fines, etc.
We made it to Haines Junction for the nite and parked in a gas station lot. I seemed very cold (the thermometer is covered up in the back of the trailer) so we ran both the generator and the truck all nite to be sure it would start in the morning. When we got up it was cloudy and cold and fed dogs – and…….I saw that bird again (well I am sure not the same one,,,,,unless he is following us…….) that I mentioned before with the black head and white markings and long tail. I watched him in the parking lot and tried to sneak up on him to get a picture and he flew off – I went back into the truck only to see him fly up into the tree right next to me!!!! So I got a picture which should make it much easier to identify!!
Today (Monday) we stopped at Destruction Bay to drop the dogs and thought we would be blasted by the wind we saw blowing flags, but were delighted that it seemed to be blowing warm wind in from the south! The day got sunnier as we went farther north and the mountains were just beautiful. I never get tired of seeing how they look with the snow on them and the blue sky in the backround – took way too many pictures!
The roads all through Kluane park were terrible – they are flatter but are about 6 inches of ice with these “gulches” snaking all over in the icy roads that make your truck tires follow in the – my theory is that the icy road begins to crack like a windshield and then when the big trucks drive over it it busts it up and causes these creavasses! Not to mention all of the frost heaves !!! we probably averaged 35 mph for most of the day!!! Finally made it to the border and able to go through with them only wanting to look in the back at the dogs out of “curiosity”. Amazingly the roads became instantly better as soon as we were in Alaska!!!! On to Tok and are staying the nite in a motel room – it will be good since my hair reallllllllly needs to be washed! And we finally have Tracphone service – so we can communicate again!!!!
Randy has not been feeling well the last 2 days – think he caught what the dogs have……not good. Time to drop the dogs and will try to write more before we leave the motel!!!!!

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