Thursday, February 13, 2014

Home again, home again, jiggety jig............

Time for an update on the final leg of the trip ------------haven’t had much time since we left Traverse City – got home early afternoon and immediately got stuck in the driveway………..about 1.5 foot of snow and the 4 wheel drive couldn’t even handle it!!!  While Randy worked on getting unstuck I tried to get into the house: note the emphasis on “tried” – I got the key to the front door from its hiding place and it wouldn’t work – I tried the other 2 doors on the front of the house and no go….then I walked around the house in the deep snow to see if I had left any windows open (and of course I had insisted that we lock the sliding glass door up on the balcony!)
No open windows – so maybe the lock is frozen, so out to the stuck truck to get the lock de-icer (trying not to let Randy know that I can’t get into the house to start a fire and get the house warm while he is already having a bad day….) – the lock de-icer didn’t work and I was forced to admit to Randy that I couldn’t get the key to work…………so he tried it and it opened!!  By that time he had gotten the truck and trailer un-stuck and had plugged in the backhoe and started charging it to make a space to drive in the drive way and park near the kennel= got the driveway clear so he could back the truck and trailer in- next was dropping the dogs – did that and got a fire going and found out when he turned the water on that the water lines had frozen………….several trips down into the crawl space/dirt basement and still no water – un-pack the port-a-potty…………fed the dogs at the trailer and put them back in their boxes for the nite.  Still no water…………good sleep in the bed!
By morning the toilet water was filling (big deal____) and we had water in the kitchen but not the bathroom.  Fed the dogs breakfast and then started the overwhelming task of moving 27 crazy with energy dogs back into the kennel!!!  We got 9 of them out and had to take a break – then we got 5 out and had to take a break – then we got 4 and took a break – talk about slugging through the snow!!!!! Plus for every dog we had to dig out a place for them to be able to get in their house!  Finally got all of them moved about noon and then had to dig out the new pole barn door to be able to get the yellow pick-up truck out…………went to our neighbor Dee’s to take her more meat (she is caring for our 11 pups for the winter) and get more dog food bread from the truck we have parked there – then we went over to look at our training trail (that was in pristine condition when we left 3 weeks ago…) and surprisingly, they look like snowmobiles have been using them  - so tomorrow our job is to drag the trail and get it in shape for training again – hopefully put some faster miles on them and then go out to Quebec to the Daaquam race in 3 weeks!
Happy Valentines Day and will post as soon as we have news!!!!

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