Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday second day of Epiphanie

Got up to another perfect day with even a little bit of sun!

Today the unlimited was not starting until 2:30 and because Randy went out 12th it was 22 minutes after that (2 minute intervals between drivers/teams).  So I went shopping!!!!  I will get a picture posted tomorrow but I had seen two booths in the art fair that carried faux fur hats and neck wraps and had thought about it all nite and decided that I wanted a head band with the faux I ended up with a head band and a neck wrap with material that looks like seal fur!!!!  got lots of compliments!!! and it's all dog friendly (meaning they won't try to take it off my head) and machine washable!!!

We got to the start line good with really only the 2 of us taking 10 dogs up - we dropped 2 - one with a sore ankle and one that got tired before the end on Saturday.  They took off well as far as I noticed but Randy said that one dog was tangled just before he left and Claude Bellerive got him straightened.  As I waited patiently at the finish line, the 2 teams that left before him came in and then a big gap in the 10 minutes (or at least if felt like that...) When he finally came in there was a bit of red on our one white dog - he and his partner had a falling out on the trail, so Randy had to stop and correct their behavior and lost some time - so he finished 14th..  The good thing is, that the 2 leaders (Fred and Ice that we raised and are only 2 years old - Fred's 3rd time in lead at a race and Ice's first) came in strong, with Ice actually encouraging Fred to get by the 1/4 mile of people on both sides of the fenced off finish line!!!!  S0 big success!!!  Plus we paid $65 entry fee and won $165!!!  So we blew that eating out at a St. Hubert's (the really popular chicken place in Quebec).  The funniest thing is that we both ordered chicken and with your order you get a pancake and a 1/4 cup serving of chicken gravy!!!  Kind of like when we have breakfast out and you always get a serving of baked beans with whatever you ordered!
Tomorrow Hermel is going to use the groomer to put in a good training trail again - so if he is done early we will train, if not, shopping at Walmart in Shawinigan!!!!!

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