Wednesday, November 22, 2017

the most exciting thing that happened to me this week.....

That would be on Monday nite while cooking a turkey breast in our cute little oven in an aluminium pan that was very sturdy while cold but not so much while hot..........took the pan out of the oven and it folded up and poured hot grease/water on my stockinged and moccasined foot!!!!!  Could have been much worse - only have a 1 x 2 inch blister - and thanks to our wonderful daughter, Cindy, we have Silvadene!!  Went into Newberry on Tuesday to get the prescription and some more dressings.
I looked kind of funny wearing Randy's boot on my left foot and mine on my right but it worked to go shopping for food and to McDonald's for lunch!   Because I burned my foot we didn't train yesterday and today Ashley helped us do most of the dog-moving around so I don't burst the blister - hopefully with tomorrow off from training I will be good to go on Friday!

We are going to the neighbors for dinner tomorrow evening and I am bringing green bean casserole - both the normal casserole and one with a twist making it in pie crust in a muffin tin!  Will let you know how it turns out!

And in the same culinary vein of discussion, we had our first pasties (a UP staple) for dinner tonite!!  Randy was sure he would not like them because he thought they had rutabagas in them (it was just potatoes) and he hates any kind of pot pie!  We bought the pasties from a church group that our friends Cathy and Richard Robinson (owners of the Rainbow Lodge) sold.  A few weeks ago we also bought huge cinnamon rolls from another group - seems like home made food raises money up here!!!

So about 3 inches of snow this morning - Randy dragged the trail before he ran dogs and it was mostly snow covered but some bare spots - we had to leave off 3 dogs from training today because yesterday the snow in the dog yard was crusty and those 3 developed some bloody toenail edges.
Not much else to report till tomorrow!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and remember to count the many many Blessings that you have in your life!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Gobble gobble! How was dinner? How did the green bean casseroles turn out? We had a pretty uneventful day but it was nice. :)
Love you both!!