Friday, January 26, 2018

What a dinner!!!

We did train on Thursday and it was pretty cold, if I do say so - and I guess I get to cause I was there!
Did a short run just to give the dogs some exercise - at this point we don't know if about half the dogs would free drop so we haven't really tried it yet - so to make sure they aren't losing muscle tone we ran them short and for fun!!  Randy is really pleased with the 16 older and unhurt dogs that ran but he will probably only run 12 or 14 (one of the little girls is in heat and not positive about 2 others and how much they are actually pulling or are they just keeping the line tight??

At 6 we were picked up by Claude and Renelle and we went to Shawinigan to dinner at the Greek restaurant that is leasing space at the "fun building" they own - it has bowling, bumper cars, lots and lots of video games, pool, and a full theatre and now...........a Chocolata franchise!!!!!!  They added on a beautiful new space with a vaulted ceiling and fire place and all kinds of sweet delights for sale.  The primary product of the franchise is a topping that you dip the ice cream into and it gets hard - plus all kinds of cheesecakes and way many calories choices!!!!!!!!!!!!  So that's where we had dessert!!!!!!!  I ordered a mini cone with caramel with sea salt.........the ordered got confused and I received a huge cone that was meant for Patrick!!!!!!  I ended up eating only a bit of it and then giving it away!!!!!

Today we have fed early and will leave for Epiphanie (1.5 hours towards Montreal) at 4 - hope finding the race site and parking goes well!!!!
 Us at the Chocolata!!!
Shows you how beautiful the space it!!

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