Monday, March 12, 2018

Back at our "Quebec home"

Had a good ride home from St. Felicien on Sunday nite – it snowed some but the roads were clear all the way – didn’t get back to our Quebec home until 10 and then had to drop and get ready for bed – with the “jumping ahead” time and taking teams up and down the hills for 2 days it really caught up with me!!! Had to lie down after breakfast Monday morning and slept for 2 hours!!!  We went in to Shawinigan again because (even though the generator store had put a larger/more strong solenoid and a new battery in the generator) when it ran out of gas on Saturday morning, and Randy shut it off to fill it, it wouldn’t start with the key………..again………..for like the 10th time!!!!!  So that was that- loaded it up and took it back and got our money back!!!!!  Thankfully they didn’t give us any problem getting a refund –
Then we went to Walmart and had McDonalds lunch and spent a whole bunch more money!!!  Food is at least twice as much here – Randy said that if Cindy, our daughter-in-law had to buy food for a week here she would spend $600!!!!
Tomorrow training – Randy has gone out and dragged the trail twice today because it was soft and needed smoothing out –

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

I'm glad you took a nap and didn't tire yourself out the first day back "home". :)
So, one more race weekend before heading back to Michigan? Where is this one going to be? I like to look up the race details before you go so it's more like I'm on the trip with you. ;)
Hope you have a good training week!
Love you!