Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Another busy week!

Well now we truly know what is wrong with the snow machine……………on Friday with the first team on the way home (about 5  miles….) the engine blew up!!!!!!!!!!!  No question about what’s wrong now……………..  we walked and rode and pushed and then finally made it back and then took out the second team with the other snow machine – it’s smaller and can’t pull the drag as good as the other but I guess that’s what we are stuck with now!
On the weekend we met Mitz and Keyon and the grandkids in Gaylord and had a delightful Christmas exchange with them!!!! 
Monday was training and then and Tuesday I decorated the house for Christmas; including the manger scene I had made last year from Lake Superior rocks and going out and “chopping down a Christmas tree” all by myself using the snow machine to find a tree in the woods!!!!!
 Today (Wednesday) was the big one……….the one you look forward to every year (and for me not in a good way……..)……….the first run with the dogs on the sled!!!!!  I dread it because, invariably, something goes wrong!  And it did!!!!!  The first team went out the drive and across the road good and around the really hard corners good and only made one small mistake at a turn which they quickly corrected- however, the second team had a small problem with Randy hitting a ridge in the corner in the driveway (which is hard packed right now) and caught his runner and flipped the sled!!!!  He dragged for a little while but I was already caught up to him and the team so he waved me on and I followed them into the dog yard………..what could have been a real disaster with the wrong dogs, turned out OK with these dogs – they stopped where they were used to stopping and then proceeded to bunch up into a big dogs and lines MESS!!!!  I unhooked tug lines as fast as I could and had most of them untangled by the time Randy “showed up” – walking a bit stiff…………  None of the dogs got tangled or angry and fought so it was a big BLESSING!!
Thursday nite we go to the Tahquamenon Sled Dog Race at Carol and John Waltman’s and then train again Friday.  Saturday we will head down to our house after feeding dogs and then Sunday have Christmas with family at Spanky’s Pizza buffet!!!!  
Hope Friday goes better training – I already volunteered to go out to the driveway where he fell and try to smooth the place where his runners caught but he says he doesn’t want to walk right now………………….

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Love the pictures of the tree! You know, when you say things like, "the snow machine blew up", i know you're not exaggerating! well...not much. ;)
Bill's been gone all week in Phoenix, so it's just me and the furry kids this week. Caitlin has one more exam on Saturday night, she'll hang out at school for a couple days to see friends and then she'll be home!
We're planning to have lasagna for xmas dinner so I can show Caitlin how to make it. A Collard-type xmas dinner for us! :)
Love you both!!