Thursday, January 17, 2019

Update for 1/17

Another week; more training successes!!!  After giving some dogs that Randy felt were too slow for our team away to friends, and getting the two hurt dogs back in the team (one of the ones that was hurt, Vinnie, broke a harness lunging in it to go today; then Randy re-hooked him twice more and he broke it all the way into the webbing on the harness!!!!) we now are ready to race with 16 dogs; all with over 500 training miles on them!!!!  Right now we are kind of wishing we had gone to Manitoba, the dogs are looking so good – but knowing that it will be below 0 tomorrow here and that race is farther north and in the prairie and that it’s always colder there, we are glad we “wimped out”!  So now the big question is whether or not the first race in Quebec (Epiphanie) is going to have enough snow on the fields to cover the plow ruts!!  If we don’t leave for there next Wednesday, we will stay here until Friday and go to a race in Kinross about an hour and half from here. Randy would rather do the Quebec race but we will see what happens!  We just finished packing up 3 garbage bags of clothes for the trailer and took a pick up full of dog meat and put it under the floor in the back of the trailer – quite a bit more stuff to pack – I figure it will take me at least one day!
Not too many social events lately- did go out to dinner in a place in Hulbert (about 1 hour from here – the big draw  is that if you get there in the late after noon you can get a table right next to a wall of windows over looking where they feed deer!  When we got there about 50 deer were munching on corn!!! So close that if the window wasn’t there you could touch them!!!  The occasion was Jan and Patti’s birthday – a great time was had by all!!!
That’s about it for now!!  Hasta luego!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Sounds like you guys are in good shape to race!!
Love you!!