Wednesday, December 30, 2020

and now it's Happy New Year!!!

 It's been a pretty quiet week..........dinner at Jan's was great with a 15 pound turkey and all the fixings !!!!  Frank and Regina Caldwell were also there and enjoyed Jan's wonderful hospitality - Randy Meyer (the 96 year old neighbor that decided not to go to Texas for the winter because he called the funeral home there and was told too many people were dying from covid...........) was supposed to be there but he didn't feel well so we took a dinner-to-go to his home.  The next nite we went back to Jan's for leftovers!!!  Talk about spoiled!!!

We have trained every day but yesterday since we got the big blizzard around Christmas - we now have probably a foot of snow on the ground and Randy used the sled with me following on the snow machine for the first time this year!!!  The dogs seemed to like pulling the sled again and did a nice 17 mile run!!!

Of course no plans for New Years - other than to wish our wonderful daughter, Amy, Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!!!  That was a New Year's Eve I will never forget!!!

I have been thinking I should be doing more exercise than just hooking up the dogs once a day so I finally pulled out the cross county skies and boots this afternoon---------boy am I ever out of shape!!!!! my arms , my legs and not very good balance!!!! so I only went out to the first curve in the driveway - maybe 1/4 of a mile and thought I should quit while I was ahead and upright!!!!!

I am supposing another sled run tomorrow - we sure have good conditions finally!  The latest we have heard, the Chezik may be coming up this coming week and then next weekend Jim Moyer and Lydia are planning to come up and train - both will be so much fun to see again!!!

That's it for now!!!!  May God Bless you every day of 2021!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Happy New Year! Its been a long time since I've gone cross country skiing! Maybe you can get Randy to take a picture of you skiing for the blog!?! I hope the training is going well this weekend!
Love you!