Saturday, December 4, 2021

No training for 2 days and maybe even not tomorrow

 Depending on how much snow we get tonite it may not be in the dog's best interest not to train again for the 3rd day!!  Yesterday Randy knew that if he ran the dogs they would sink into the slush and maybe hurt themselves and surely make the trail a dangerous one when it froze overnite.

So no training yesterday and then today as predicted, anywhere someone rode over the trail left and icy treacherous course for any will take a couple of inches of snow and for Randy too smooth it out with the drag before it will be safe for the dogs to run on again............So today we went to Sault Ste. Marie to do a Walmart binge!!  One and a half hours there and spent $300 and still didn't get all the things on the list!!!  It did snow a bit on the way home but not yet the blizzard they are predicting!!! 

We will see what it looks like in the morning to know if we will be able to train safely tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

It was nice to catch up with you guys last night and I'm glad after reading this post that you were able to train again! It's already 50 degrees here, expecting to get up to 66 today! I'll keep my weather, thank you very much. :)
Love you mostest!