Saturday, March 16, 2024

2024 trip to Fairbanks!!!

Since we are getting out of dog racing, we thought it would be a fitting end to come here and see all of our racing friends one last time (well who knows what the future will bring.......)  It was a big surprise for everybody here!!! We made the reservations the day after we got back from Quebec and it was too close to be able to go to the Rondy - Randy always says the Rondy is his favorite race to run but he really wanted to come to ONAC.

So we left Grand Rapids airport (had a glass of liquid gold on the concourse- $25 with the tip!!!!) at 3p and stopped in Dallas and then Seattle before landing in Fairbanks at 3am!!!! Spent most of Thursday recovering from being up most of the night but did go out to dinner for halibut at Pikes restaurant.

Got to the race site at 10:30 and surprised Bruce and Laura first!!!  Then Ken and Lori, Buddy and Lina, Michael Tetzner and many others!  It has been 12 years since we were here last and 20 years exactly that we came up to watch Jason Rodenhouse run some of our dogs in his team at ONAC.  It was cold but we were both prepared for it with lots of layers - I even borrowed some hiking boots and overboots from Lydia and brought my fur hat and long skirt and fur mitts!  It was great fun to see everyone and help out whenever we could!  Randy did get clotheslined by Laura's team but other than that we made it through the day without injury - came back to the hotel and got recommendations to eat at Brewster's for halibut again!!!  Delicious!!!!

our table at Pikes overlooking the Chena river
the picture is to show you that it was 11 degrees in the afternoon
peanut butter pie
Pike's resort - look at the animals on the wall

picture of the broken mirror on our U haul rental pick up!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

So glad you were able to surprise everyone! The food looks delicious, but boy- too cold for me!
Have a wonderful time! Love you both!