Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Alberta now........

Wow how time flies when you are going across Canada!!!!
So here is a story problem for you: A big red truck is traveling west across a barren wasteland, flat and snow covered with a northerly wind of 20+ mph; the passenger side door has a bit of a leak (which the owner of the vehicle tried to fix but it didn’t work) around the door seal. Which of the 2 people in the truck are cold enough to place a jacket around the door…………the driver or the passenger?
Bags of kettle korn for everyone that gets it right!!!!!!!!!!!!
My suggestion that there might be a lot of snow drifts across the road went relatively unheeded and we traveled for another hour – the snow drifts we did encounter really weren’t that bad (reminded me of when Luke was 16 and he drove the Bronco with me in it out to Meinert Park in a snow storm to see how good it would go through the drifts!) Stayed the night at Dairy Queen (amazingly we figured we had to be out of there fairly early in the morning cause they are doing business in the middle of winter!) On the road in the morning after dropping/feeding the kids and went down the road to find a sign “Welcome to Michigan” !!! There is a town in Saskatchewan called Michigan!!
I should say before that – we went over the border at Portal, ND without too much trouble – we had to go thru the semi lane because our truck it too big to fit thru the car lane and the customs guy was not used to asking the regular “car/RV” questions.
By the time we were near Saskatoon we stopped for the nite and parked behind a community center in a little town. By this time nerves were shredded (mine trying to stay on line to work on the computer and Randy thinking he is not going across Canada fast enough and dogs barking after dark so we were worried about waking the townspeople up or disturbing them) so we had a small “meltdown” but got over it without wounds or scars.
What a difference 8 hours can make – we woke up to much warmer temps (didn’t really look at the thermometer) and with fog!!! That after brutal cold temps and wind – the funny thing about up here is that (maybe because it is drier air and cold temps) the trees and grass and everything has like little ice posts on it (including our truck and the dogs while they were eating breakfast) like little stalactites all bunched up together (or is it stalagmites that start from the ground – I used to know that……..) So we start driving west and fog, heavy, then clear and sunny, then fog heavy, the sunny………you get the picture?!!!! Crazy weather patterns up here. No a lot to take pictures of (sorry Amy) but white fields with some oil wells and pretty much flat land.
Got to Edmonton and were surprised how busy/big it is; time to feed dogs so Randy pulls off to a truck stop and notices that the trailer front tire looked like it was going soft and the back tire didn’t look lined up right- he looked under the trailer and saw that the torsion bar was snapped loose from the axle. You know…….you just have to go with the DeKuiper mantra………..”it could have been worse – we could have broken down out in the middle of nowhere”!!!!! So already he has talked to a guy that had a diesel repair business next door and will fix it tomorrow! The Dutch Luck I would say! The axle must have just snapped of coming into the truck stop (we have been over some hellacious bumpy roads!!) or we would have lost the tire.
Everything else is working well – the engine has no leaks and the trailer setup is working well except it always takes 2………
I just asked Randy if there was anything else he wanted to add and he said “I’m hungry” so that’s all for now

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Wow, always exciting/near disastrous stuff happening! The weather sounds crazy!

No new snow here, which we're all excited about. Now, we're just all hoping that we don't have a big rain that would cause a flood. It's always something, isn't it?

I met someone at the bus stop yesterday that used to live in Vancouver - he was pretty impressed with you guys!

Love you lots and can't wait to hear about the next adventure!
