Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sled Dogs 101

Aeja, Ocean and Caitlin!! you should have been here today! You could have been the teachers!!!!!! We went to a charter school and had over 50 kids (1st and kindergarten) that came to visit our dog truck at their school - we had 5 dogs out for them to per to start (Runzl and Tarzan didn't really enjoy the extra attention) and Sarah (Aeja's one-dog dog) and Spiff (Ocean's one-dog dog) very much appreciated all the petting and loves! We told them about the parts of the sled, showed them the dog board to tell them where the dogs run in the team, and they were very excited to see in the back of the trailer and how many dogs were in there! The 25 dog drivers were all over the city at schools today doing the same thing.

After the pressure was off to get there on time and find the school, we headed to where we "thought" (key word there is thought) the Tozier dog race track was - we followed the map in the packet which looked pretty self-explanatory.......wrong.....several details missing!! So we got to where we thought the map said it was (after stopping at a KFC and asking the staff and customers there where I could find some new batteries for the camera)and it wasn' we went to a Fred Meyer (like a Meijer's only different part if Holland) store and sure enough, the sales guy said "did the batteries get cold" -yup....really cold. (now you get pictures!!! after I charge the batteries (Randy is telling me get off the batteries topic already!) So we do some shopping at the store and proceed to look for the dog track again (we have to be there for a breakfast in the morning) and asked a bus driver how to get there - he tells us to go back the way we came and turn on Elmore - we do that and nothing remotely looks like a place for a dog track - we stop at the post office - 12 people in line and the lady I ask never heard of it and suggested the animal shelter - go to a pet grooming store and finally somebody knows where it is!!!!!!!!!! we had passed it twice!!!!!! so here we are sitting at the dog track, great place to park, quiet (until we let Tarzan out and then it gets a little noisy for him wanting attention from me - actually I made a business call the other day and the customer mentioned that she heard a dog barking in the backround......won't have that happen again!). Tomorrow morning is breakfast at the bingo hall across the street (wasn't there a song about a dog named Bingo????) and then Randy has his "Rookie Dog Driver Meeting" at 11 sharp (per the race marshall if you were late it would be mandatorily re-scheduled at "your inconvenience") Time to drop the kids for the last time today and Randy is yawning!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Yea! Sounds like everything is going really well. I'm so excited that the camera is fixed! Keep those batteries warm chickie! Can't wait to see the pictures.
Love you!!!