Saturday, April 2, 2011


Well it’s been a long time and a lot of miles since I last wrote in Tok, AK!!!!! Right now we are approaching Minot, ND and back in the USA!!
We left Tok on Monday morning and drove all day to Teslin – talk about frost heaves!!! One we hit took everything off the shelves and then some!!!! The dog area looked like it had blown up!! We figured out why the icy roads had those “snakey” looking trenches in them……..the road without the ice has them!!!
Left Teslin on Tues morn and made it to Watson Lake about 1p and debated about whether to keep going in to the worst of the Canadian Rockies or not – the weather was good so we kept going until dark where we camped at the peak of Stone Mt. –
Left Wed morn and pulled in to Terry and Buddy Streeper’s kennel in time to see them hooking up 50 dogs……… that is not a typo………..50 dogs!!!!!!! They wanted to do it as a part of their dog race’s 50th anniversary celebration. When we pulled up they had all the dogs by pairs hooked to the fence and were starting to hook them into the lines – it took about 10 people! Randy was there at the sled to help Terry get unhooked and off they went for a 4 mile run (you can see it on Utube) – I jumped in the car with Sarah, Streepers’ daughter and Debbie and Lena’s mom and the baby, Alva and we drove to a field where we could see them go by and help if needed – I asked Debbie if they would take Blue Cross at the local hospital……….knowing if there was a problem, I could have a problem……
Everything went good (by the accounts I heard) until ¼ mile and then a dog slipped a collar and caused a huge…….and I mean HUGE tangle – they had to hook the sled to the 4 wheeler, untangle and then couldn’t get the hook off the 4 wheeler so Buddy jumps on the sled and cuts the snow hook off with a knife – talk about drama in real life! Where I saw him go by was a curve but every pair of dogs that went by cut the corner tighter and tighter and you can imagine how fast Buddy took it on the sled!!!
No more problems and we were there when they came in to a stop – helped unhook the dogs and let them run free – that’s something in itself to see 50 dogs running around!!! -had lunch and saw the video their handler John from Scotland had made of the event.
Took off again and made it to Dawson Creek and camped there.
Thursday we made it to the east side of Edmonton to Mark Hartum’s in time for blueberry dessert! Had a nice visit and spent the nite in the park near their house because their drive was breaking up and we didn’t want another “stucky incident”-
Left fairly early Friday morning and made it to almost Weyburn – about an hour north of the border.
Saturday who knows what time we got up – with all this time changing we have had a bit of trouble knowing for sure…………..anyway the sun was up and then clouded over and on the road through the border with only a minor inspection!!! Yea!!!
So now almost to Minot and a stop at McDonalds so we can post this – plan to make it to Minnesota today/nite and then hopefully another day and ½ and HOME!!!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

We saw the video of the hook up. It was posted on Mushing World Facebook. Safe travels home.