Monday, March 28, 2011

As I sit here on Sunday at Fast Eddy's restaurant in Tok, AK.....

I am updating you on the last several days - we did leave Fairbanks on Thursday after stocking up on food and necessities knowing that things would only get more expensive on the way home -

We made it to Jan Fairbanks' house in the afternoon and had dinner with her and her husband Bill - delicious chicken dinner and very good company - lots of good dog racing stories and history shared with Jan and Randy!!

Got up and had breakfast/lunch with Jan on Friday morning and then took off for Tok
Made it there in plenty of time for the Friday nite draw for the race and the banquet that the local people put on,........ham, turkey lots of different Alaskan specialty dishes - I couldn't eat enough!!

Sat morn I did the 6 dog race and was a bit unsure so used my drag for part of the trail - made it through the hard turns (at least I thought they were a bit hard......) that I remembered from last year and did 22 out of 25 teams running 3 old dogs and 3 young - one of the yearlings couldn't keep up so I left him off today and actually did a little better.

Randy had a fair run with a little problem with someone passing with trouble on the other guy's part and then he re-passed and still had trouble. so he came in last of 16 teams.

On Sunday I moved up to 20th and Randy put a yearling in lead that had never raced inlead before and he did good but it was still slow and he kept his 16th place position

Sat nite we went to the annual party at Dale Raito's and had a great time with the biggest bonfire I have ever seen and grilled salmon and tenderloin steaks and all the "fixins" - got to talk to many people I haven't been able to have a conversation with before = like Mari HOe Raito - Faye Cousins, Evelyn Beeter, Jack Berry, Dale Raito, and many more - agreat time!!!!

So tomorrow back on the road - we are only 2 hours from the border and then my coverage will be very "sketchy" - so I will contact you as I can

Pray for safe travel!!!

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