Friday, March 6, 2015

A little faster posting this time!!

We did go to Walmart on Tuesday and found all kinds of things to buy!!!  It’s surprising to have it not much different at all than from the
Walmart in Fremont – just a little narrower isles – like ½ the width- and with poles in the middle of the isles and higher prices!  We even got one of the pitchers that Hermel told us about that you just put the plastic bag of milk into, snip the corner and it pours right out!!!  It really, really works!
Tuesday nite we went over to the Bellerives and had call-in from the restaurant – I had fish again –it’s something I don’t get a lot because Randy doesn’t really like fish.  We even brought hors d’ouvres (I can’t even get the correct spelling with spell check!)- “polish roses” which for the culinarily challenged, is green onion wrapped with ham and cream cheese.  The Bellerives had never had them and really liked them!!
Wednesday we decided to train and Randy wanted to try the whole team that he plans to run on Saturday so we hooked up 15 dogs and took off with me on the snowmobile- it was easier to turn but pretty goosey going around the curves – when I waited for Randy at a turn so the dogs could see which way I was going to turn, then they got close and I would have to take off fast to get ahead again and in some of those curves I almost lost it and went off the trail even with the 8 inch birm on the trail!!!  Randy said it was the best run of the year!   The dogs went good and even ran up most of the hills – they are finally getting back into shape.
 They are not always behaving themselves, however.  2 days ago Blanche chewed the wire covers off from the battery wires under the truck and last nite Caleb chewed the air line in half!!!  So that’s the project for today!  It’s crazy because not only have they been a month on the truck and not touched the wires, but as soon as one of them chews on something, every dog we try to put there hoping they won’t chew, somehow knows that a dog before had chewed on it and they do the same!!!
With a visit to the hardware and finding out they didn’t have what we needed to fix the air line, we Randy’s next sure thing- the maintenance garage for Bellerives business!!!! Paydirt!  He had everything Randy needed to patch it and wouldn’t let us pay for it – Randy told him to just bill Claude – joke, joke!
This afternoon we tore up bread for the weekend so we wouldn’t have to do it in the trailer so we thawed it in the barn for a couple of hours and then made 2 dogfood bags full of bread.
We are debating whether to leave right after the first drop tomorrow or wait until the 2nd one and leave about 10 – I vote for plan B and stopping a few minutes at the grocery store for a couple of things.  It is only 182 miles by the gps so it shouldn’t take more than 3 or so hours – it is near the town of St. Just-de-Bretinere (spellcheck).
Hopefully they will have wifi in the lodge at the race and I can give you updates throughout the weekend!!

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