Monday, March 9, 2015

Boy, do I have a story for you!!

Saturday nite was uneventful and we got up even earlier than the morning before to the sounds of dogs being dropped.  At about 10am we heard a lot of activity but thought it was the 4 dogs teams going out - only to learn that it was daylight savings time and Melanie had already gone out in the 6 dog without our help.  She ended up with a very good day and won the 6 dog race!!  It was good we found out Randy had to get ready an hour before we had planned - so we were ready in time and everthing went well.  He used Beika with Sterling in lead and moved other dogs around in the team but went with 14.  Since he was last I watched all of the teams come in and finally Randy- it seemed like he was faster coming in than the 2 minutes between team departures so I hoped he had moved up a place- well that didn't happen!  He had a bit of trouble on the trail----- he fell going around one of those right angle corners (he had mentioned yesterday that they were pretty tricky) dragged for a while, saw trees coming and let go, jumped up and started running after them (the sled was on its side behind the team) , remembered he had seen some snowmobiles a bit ago and started yelling "HELP" - a guy zoomed up to him, he got on the machine sidesaddle, the took off very very fast, winding around corners and curves and when they saw the team the guy was going to try and go past them and stop them and Randy said "No, no,no!!" so he pulled up next to the sled (which was upright miraculously!!) and Randy jumped from the machine onto the runners of the sled and took off!!!  Just like in a Western movie!!!!!!  He never ceases to amaze me!!!!  So the fact that he was able to pull that off was a big win for him even though he still came in last!

We fed the dogs at the race site and left for Bellerives at about 4:30 - it was good weather but oh so slow (20 to 30 mph) for the first 30 miles - we thought about going the way we used to go, but chose to go with a known evil...... tons and tons of frost heaves!!!!  We stopped in a Canadian Tire parking lot and dropped dogs about 1/2 way and arrived at about 8:30.

Slept in till 9 this morning and it was sooo quiet!!  In the house today to do some laundry, washed some rugs in the barn (some smell pretty uriney from coming in the front door!) and got bread out to tear after it's thawed.  It is a beautiful sunny day and the warmest since we left home!!!  Probably need to change out some bedding in about 1/2 the boxes - the stinky ones!  We looked at a trailer that one of the English speaking young dog drivers that we knew from years before (Charles Saucier) and he had built dog boxes in a trailer and had rubber mats on the floor of the boxes and had drainage from each box down into receptacles below!  Now that's a neat design!
More later!!


Trenkle Family said...

Wow, go Randy! Too bad it wasn't caught on film!

Trenkle Family said...

I wish I could just follow you guys around with a video camera - it would make for quite the documentary! Speaking of... pictures???