Saturday, February 18, 2017

Checked and double checked the necklines today..................

But amazingly one of the same ones that came open yesterday did today as well - bad for the run but good for appears that the snap was faulty and not do to dog handler (me_ _ ) error.  He also found out that our 2 year old Fred that was leading with Spark had developed a penchant for biting snow while he is racing - not a good thing - so he won't be leading tomorrow...............  All in all, a good run today - he passed 2 teams (found out almost too late that the teams left in reverse order today --------so if Melanie Bellerive had not come to tell us and help us get ready to go (we thougt we had 20 more minutes before letting the dogs out to get ready and if fact we wer already late getting ready to go out 3rd!!!!!) we would conceivably gotten disqualified or just have to run last to start............the idea of the reverse start is to have the faster teams come in even more competitively at the finish.   So a bittersweet day - less stopping but still some because the same neck line on Dexter that came open yesterday caused him to stop and also Andy's tug line got under him and he couldn't get over it - so 2 stops - more time lost - but didn't lose a place!

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