Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday, the last day of February

Got back to Bellerive's Sunday nite with no problem.

Monday was a far more moderate day weather wise - gave the kids a "play date" after morning drop at noon - the new dog went way too close to the road but amazingly came back when we called him!!!  The major accomplishment of the day was to go shopping to Shawiningan -====again to Walmart; but with a detour to the Harley Davidson store and also to lunch at the bowling alley at the entertainment complex that Bellerive's own!!!  We had some difficulty ordering as the 2 cook/waitresses didn't speak much English but it was all good.  2 Harley shirts and $150 at Walmart later we were back home and putting away groceries - it is amazing that we shop at least once a week and still I have a list every time we go!!!  Part of the problem is still trying to buy low fat, low sugar foods that we both like and then running out of them quickly...

Today Tuesday was a cleaning day!!!  Washed 5 rugs in the barn sink and hung them out to dry as it was a fairly warm (36 degree) day and sunny most of the time - then I swept and washed the linoleum floor in the trailer, used the vacuum cleaner on the carpet, washed dishes, gave the dogs a play date and then trained 6 dogs 6 miles then made a extra lean turkey burger dinner!!!!  Amazingly it seemed like I wasn't very busy!!!

Yesterday we messaged Melanie when I was trying to get on wifi at the bowling alley and didn't know the password - when she wrote back she invited us to dinner for Wednesday nite and also told us that someone had robbed their house that morning!!!!!  I am sure we will hear more about it Wed nite, but talk about feeling violated!!!

Tomorrow is supposed to be rain all day so I think I will do laundry - just have to find a way to get it up to the house - at this point I have at least 4 loads!!!  Talk to you Wed or Thursday!

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