Saturday, November 18, 2017

overdue update!

 very fun yard ornament in the town of newberry - maybe I need one of these gnome houses!
 the thanksgiving decorations at the Dekuiper trailer/homestead
newly made Christmas decoration - amazing what you can do with a white dog food bucket!!!

The week has flown by and it seems we have been very busy = from memory I will give you the highlights:
Friday – delicious dinner at the Elks – Randy had a free steak dinner for vetern’s day and I had white fish – you can’t beat the amount of fresh/local whitefish and perch we are able to get around here!!!
Saturday – pretty much hanging out and going to church in the evening
Sunday – training – now using another section of trail and are going 12 miles (I think) with the 2 12 dog teams – Noah the 2 year old is doing an excellent job leading!!!! He is working himself into being a $10,000 dog!!!!  All 5 leaders are doing very good at gee and hawing – we presume that all the different trails with many choices and intersections is making them listen more closely to Randy – at home we just did the same trail mostly so there were not many decision points – this complicated trail system is keeping them on their toes!!!  By the time we harness, hook up, run and undo the harnesses and put them back for teams it is over 3 hours.
Monday – thought about running 2 or 3 days in a row because we have to take off later in the week for deer season, but the weather wasn’t great so we didn’t .  Found out our neighbor, Jan Shaw, had been admitted to the hospital with blood clots in her lungs on top of the pneumonia she has had the last week- how awful for her!!
Tuesday: ran the dogs again on the longer trail – they are coming back not looking tired (except for 2 of the 3 yearlings ) and all but 3 of the 24 are drinking this K9 super fuel stuff in water – it is expensive but it replenishes their glycogen after exertion – we have never been able to get them to drink glycocharge after a run or a race, but they love this and drink it down to the last drop!
Wednesday : knew we wouldn’t train because of opening day of deer season so we had arranged with our dog food provider, Greg Janders in Bark River, to have us pick up another 2000 pounds of special mixed dog food – it is chicken, beef and liver and eggs and several vitamins and minerals – it costs $ .60 a pound but the dogs are doing well on it and it is really our only choice since we aren’t picking up venison butchering scraps and grinding it ourselves.  So we h...ooked the blue truck up to the horse trailer that has the walk-in freezer in it and headed for Escanaba and Bark River (about 2.5 hours one way on good roads)   It was raining like a Banshee so we didn’t make very good time – we did stop at Walmart (big city shopping up here) and did visit with Greg and his wife (they are mink farmers – way more to it than I have ever thought!!!   With the breeding and the biting when you move them………..
On the way there we got pulled over by a state trooper ---------- for going to slow!!!!!!!  We were on a bad stretch of road before you get to Escanaba and we were going about 40 mph in a 55 – he pulled us over thinking maybe something was wrong but Randy told him it was because the road is too damn rough!!!  We had also neglected to put the proof of insurance and registration back in the truck so it was back in the trailer, but luckily for us he didn’t pay any attention to that!!!
Got back home about 7:30 and very dark by the time we stopped to fill propane tanks in Newberry.
Thursday :  another non-training day but it was OK cause the big trip yesterday got us tired!
Friday:  decided to open up a trail that had been blocked by the loggers doing a clear cut – we took the blue truck into the woods and had to go about a mile through some pretty iffy trails with lots of beach sand in 1 foot deep ruts!!!!  Made us feel like we were at the Silver Lake sand dunes!!!  Got to the blockade without getting stuck and spent a good 2 hours pulling stumps out of the way with the truck and a chain and sawing with the chainsaw – they had it blocked realllllly good!
In the evening we went to Wolf Inn for dinner with Carol and Jon Waltman and Cathy and Richard Robinson – we had a leisurely 3 hour dinner!
Today, Saturday, we were thinking we would train about 12 pm but just as it got to be about then I started hearing lots and lots of gunshots!!!!!  So Randy took a nap and I am catching up!!!  Tonite we go out to dinner with the Caldwells , the neighbors across the street that are dog drivers from New York state – they have lived here now for 5 months.  We made a special request to have dinner with them so we could talk dogs.
Also we heard from a guy that has dogs and lives in Minnesota – when he was here for the seminar in October Randy admired his bearclaw necklace and said he would like to have one – so guess who is going to have a bearclaw necklace????!!!
The really big news is that we got messages and today a facetime call from Ocean, our 11 year old grandson that shot his first deer yesterday, all by himself, at about 100 yards at least, exactly in the right spot, and…..a 6 point!!!!!!  We are very proud of his great accomplishment!!!  Congratulations Ocean DeKuiper!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Wow, you did have a lot of catching up to do! I tried to face time you over the weekend, but I guess you guys were out gallivanting around! I hope your friend, Jan is doing better!
Sounds like you've been having fun seeing different people and getting out to a few good restaurants! What are you making for Thanksgiving dinner? I have to pick up our turkey tomorrow and make sure I have everything - we're pretty traditional with our dinner. :)
Love you both!!!