Saturday, December 23, 2017

Have a Blessed Christmas and New Year!!!

 Our newly hung Christmas present from the kids (Amy, Bill and Caitlin) a picture of all 13 grandkids!
Remembering the "reason for the season...."

Didn't train on Thursday so we went into Newberry to buy more fuel for the snowmobiles - I may have mentioned it but some days we go through 8 gallons of special snowmachine (no ethanol) fuel a day between grooming trails and training!!!!  Also bought more groceries (you know.....while you are in town..... a half hour away.....and you don't know when you will be there again......) and went out to a pizza place that is in a beautiful log home/cabin!!!

Trained yesterday and took some different trail for 17.5 miles - beautiful snow-covered pines and sweeping hills= wish I had brought the camera!!!  should do something with the go pro that I bought Randy 4 years ago.....

Cleaned house today and plan to go into to town for Mass unless the weather turns ugly while Randy is out grooming the trail.  Plan to go to Jan Shaw's for Christmas dinner - it will be a first for us to have leg of lamb!!!!!

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