Thursday, December 14, 2017

the week in review!!

 Sunday nite after the Christmas music program in Newberry at Seder's Pizza - they call it "Stinky Sticks" cause it has garlic butter on it!!!  not as good as Spanky's though!!!!
 This was wild!!!  It's called pasty pizza!!!!  you can pick what filling you want so cheese, hamburg olives and green peppers were ours!  good but still not as good as Spanky's!!!
 Talk about a huge poinsettia!!!!!  made of metal!
The week has gone by entirely too fast – doesn’t seem possible that it was already 7 days ago that I posted – the days are filled now with either training the dogs or grooming the trail.  Since I last posted we have gotten over 15 inches of snow and had the drive plowed twice – that’s a lot of snow to move around so the dogs have a solid surface to run on and won’t develop fissures (splits in the skin between their toes from spreading out and plunging down into deep snow)  It is also much colder – down to 0 yesterday morning – needed to put more hay in the dogs’ beds and have to chip ice off from the trailer step several times a day where it is melting off from the roof and dripping down the side of the trailer at the door.  We didn’t have this problem ever before and we are thinking it must be the way we are parked and the angle of the roof……….
Last Friday we had dinner at Jan Shaw’s with Carol and John Waltman for Carol’s 75th birthday (they have included us in everything up here – you will not meet a friendlier group of people anywhere!!) and Saturday there were 11 people at Watlman’s for a Christmas potluck that was desicious!!!  Sunday we drove into town for the Christmas program at the Methodist church – people from the community that have musical talent presented – bell choir (which I loved!!!), flutes, guitar, violin and cello, choir, you name it!!!  It was wonderful!!!!  Then out to dinner at the pizza place from the pictures above.
The rest of the week has been training, grooming, cooking warm meals, getting the snowmobile battery replaced, working on some craft projects for Christmas presents, more training, grooming……….you get the picture?!!
Today is a non-training day and tomorrow we train and then Saturday we leave for downstate (a new word in our Yooper vocabulary….) to have Christmas with our kids and grandkids.  Hope the weather is conducive to traveling 5 and a half hours!!!
Per Amy Trenkle request I have been trying to post a video I took of us training dogs in a beautiful part of the snow covered trail but am not able to get it to download on facebook – I think I have tried about 6 times and it just won’t go through – I will keep trying because it gives you a good feel for what it looks like on our trail!!!
 coming home from Newberry - you can see the snowstorm cloud up north!!!!!

Below - me in my new warm parka ready to go out with Randy and groom the trail!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

YUM! All that food looks great but the food I saw via FaceTime with everyone yesterday looked yummy too! I'm sure you're anxious to be back at your "home-away-from-home" in the UP! We're heading out Wednesday morning for some warmer weather and I can't wait!!
Love you both!