Friday, February 23, 2018

The race is on!!!!

We were waiting to hear (might have cancelled because of the warm weather and rain on Tues and Wed) and talked to Claude on their way to their hockey nite with customers in Montreal - they host a box all year and this is the really big hosting nite!  I was doing laundry at their house and Claude and Renelle surprised me by stopping to "freshen up" on their way to Montreal at 3:00!  He said the race was a go so today we are planning to feed early at 1 and then leave for Nicolet - it's only less than an hour away but Randy wants to go today in the light so we can get a good parking spot- which means a place where we have plenty of room, won't get stuck and is close to the starting line!  I can't remember if we have wifi at the parking lot next to the hotel Montfort or not but I will let you know soon as I can how tomorrow goes - we wish we had known earlier that the race was for sure happening because we probably would have trained a bit different this last week - we only went 5 miles 4 times over the last 2 weeks due to weather and trail conditions - we would have gone farther had we known the race was a go - they have downgraded it to being 10 miles and with a limit of 12 dogs so we shouldn't be too far off from being primed!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Good luck today, Randy!!