Saturday, January 18, 2020

race canceled for today!!!!

Winds were really bad overbite and when we got up this morning there was a 2 foot drift all around our trailer= so we went in to the curling club that we were parked at and our new best friend, Gerry, who is also co-chair for the events this weekend, said we could come in and use the bathroom and hot water all day!!!! And even better, plug into their electric!!!!

We were able to take the truck/trailer over to where the mushers have to go from one side of the highway to the other under a bridge and several had warned Randy about having to duck to get under it and have a bad turn just before it and then another just after - thankfully it didn't look quite as bad as we had imagined when we got out from the truck and looked at it!!!

We did have a chance to talk to lots of mushers and also some of the locals - one stopped to see us this morning and I asked if he was Ukranian, because of his name and because I had read that this town was founded in 1898 by Ukrainians - he said that when he was young there were 75% Ukrainian's in the town and now it was only about 25% = his grandfather was one of the founding fathers of the town.

So went into the curling club tonite for supper - pierogis and some special sausage and soup and bread and dessert for $10!!!!

Will check in with you tomorrow!!!

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