Sunday, January 5, 2020

What a great week!!

Thursday we trained all the dogs and Ocean was able to use the sled to train his 4 dog team for 12 miles - first time on a sled with 4 dogs and first time that far!!!!  I was leading with one snow machine and Randy followed with the other.  All went perfect!!!

Friday we went to the bib draw for the race at Waltman's house so we know what order Randy and Ocean are going out - earlier in the day Grandpa and Ocean had a little unexpected exercise.........the stupid same snow machine quit on them while they were grooming trails - 5 miles from the house!!!  So imagine what it is like to walk 5 miles with mickey mouse boots on!!!

Saturday we were all up at 6am to get dogs loaded and watered to be at the race site by 7:30 - (it's only 5 miles from our house).  I arrived at the race site later at 9 and Randy was scheduled to go out in the 6 dog at 10:30 and Ocean in the 4 dog at 11 - we got Randy out and then I got Ocean out without issues -
I pretty much waited at the finish line for over an hour and much to my amazement and jubilation, Ocean came over the finish line first in his class!!!!!  And then Grandpa came in a minute later and was 3rd in his class!!!!!! Happy day for the DeKuipers!!!!!!  There was one glitch when Ocean was going around a particularly difficult turn in the course and his dogs got tangled, but who should appear from behind him to help by standing on the brakes of both sleds..............Grandpa!!!!!!  So Ocean followed him around a loop and then actually passed Grandpa in the last 4 miles of the race!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!

Nap time in the afternoon and then to Mass and then to a thank-you-volunteers pizza party at 7:30

Today was the awards breakfast banquet and both DeKuiper racers got beautiful hand made agate trophies!!!!!

Now on the road south to meet Cindy and get Ocean back to his family!!!

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