Thursday, February 25, 2021

On the road again..........

 We took our daughter Amy's advice and took some days off in a place that was good for us and good for the dogs - being that there is a plowed football field lot for them to run in 3 times a day!!!!  sometimes running a bit too far.......... and thus some got re-tied up as "punishment"/"learning experience"!!!  It's quite something to watch our dogs run full speed the length of the lot and then come to a screeching halt and turn around and run flat out back again!!!!

The people are also enjoying the wifi though it stopped for some reason for 1 1/2 days - and we still don't have any cell service - just far out of town enough it doesn't reach.

Well today we are pulling up stakes (literally) and moving down the road on our way to Copper Harbor in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan-  there is a 14.4 mile race in Copper Harbor at the Copper Dog 25 on Saturday and it will be the last of the year for us!!!!!  Then we will make our way back to Newberry/Deer Park to pick up a few things from the house and our yellow pick up - we are assuming there will still be snow when we get home and the Mustang doesn't do very well in snow!!!

So I will let you know how Saturday goes!!!!  Stay warm and take care!!!🙏

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Photos from the stage stop race


statue of Lincoln getting near Lincoln, Nebraska
Beautiful red rock on I80
It was so windy it made this dust storm onI80 - we thought it was a fire!!
Arch of elk antlers in Jackson, Wyoming
The ski area in Jackson right next to where we met at the rodeo grounds
A view from the pass going from Jackson to Alpine - doesn't really show how steep it was and how treacherous!!!
Decor on one of the buildings in Jackson
Antelope in southeast Wyoming
It's hard to see but because they let cattle roam free all over Wyoming, they have these grates in the road where they don't want the cows to cross
One of the 7 race starts!
This was the view going into the snowmobile trail where we trained and stayed for 2 weeks in Alpine, WY
Our first glimpse of the Rockies!!!!

Yes!!!!!! We got 4th place!!!!

 Friday Lydia and Moe did come for a brief visit and invited us to dinner after the race the next day - we woke up kind of early with all the activity in the parking lot (we parked in our spot on Friday nite) with people arriving and we wanted to have given our dogs breakfast before the 8 am singing of the National Anthem!  We helped Moe get up to the line and then found out when he returned he had a heck of a mess at the first road crossing!!!  His dogs blew through the snow fence and he ended up under a car!!!!  He managed to get things straightened out again and finished in 8th!

We didn't race until 1:30 and the dogs were very very excited to go - we still didn't know if we had made the right decision to just let them free drop for exercise since the stage stop race (what with it being so cold and all......) and it turned out to be a good decision!!  They took off strong and ended strong and got 4th!!  So we were very happy!!!

Lydia and Moe took us to dinner at a restaurant in Brule WI and I had the most delicious whitefish dinner ever in my life!!!

Today we moved the truck and trailer closer to the clubhouse because we found out from the owner and race coordinator that we could have free wifi!!!  so free dropped the dogs 2 more times today and don't know if we are going to leave for Calumet in the UP tomorrow or Tuesday - it's really a nice set up here all by ourselves with tv and wifi!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Almost race day again!!!

 What a delight to have it warmer!!!!  The dogs love it and we especially love it!!!  It's supposed to get up to 18 today!!!  WooHoo!!!

Not too much happening over the last several days - just feeding dogs and us and letting the "kids" run around the truck - we are  hoping we made the right decision to not run them in the cold weather and just recover from the stage race - we will see tomorrow!!!

The only thing we did out of the ordinary was to walk over to the Dollar General to buy some dry gas.............

Today we will drop the dogs and then get more fuel for the generator and then go to the race site to park - and Moe and Lydia are supposed to stop over to see us - so after being "just the 2 of us" for 2 weeks we will have company!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Things are looking the temperature goes up.....................

 Aside from the hour and a half we spent trying to get both the brand new generator and the one we just got fixed for $150 to run,  and a policeman waking us up and threatening us with giving us a ticket for where we were parked..........a pretty good day!  It finally got above "0" today and it felt wonderful!!! 

We had to move the truck and trailer because we were blocking a handicapped parking spot I didn't even notice in the middle of the 8 foot high snow bank................. and he said it was against the law to have dog feces in the parking lot- hard as we try to pick it up there is some telltale left!!!!  He came back about an hour later and had cooled down and never did give us a ticket and told us to move about a block to the other end of the parking lot - not as nice to drop dogs at the new location but at least not a ticket!!!!

We had been running the older generator that was strapped to the top of the truck for the last 24 hours - because it wasn't quitting like the brand new one had been---Randy and I picked the older generator up and brought it down to the ground and then had to lift it back into the space in the gooseneck of the trailer--it's not light!!!!!  All that was after we had lifted the newer one out of the gooseneck!!!!  Then when we got the older one placed it wouldn't start!!!!! and then the newer one wouldn't start!!!!  Finally after Randy about pulled his shoulder out, the older one started!!!  Then we carried the newer one and put it in the back with the dogs..........don't know if we are going to try and return it or not since we bought it in Des Moines Iowa and we don't know if any Honda dealer would take it back!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Randy has thanked me 3 times for putting up with all this............

 So that should tell you that we are not having fun, not running dogs, not running generators a lot of the nite and also not the furnace and also not the electric heater...........................

The only bright spot is that we decided that because we had moved to a more remote spot in the parking lot we could let the dogs run free- they did perfectly!!!!  And today for the second day of trying we let them all go at once!!!  Pretty almost perfect!!!  And for Valentine's Day we had shrimp cocktail!!!!  We have 2 more nites of this bad, cold weather and hoping we can survive until Tuesday with a high of "0".  Too many times getting up in the middle of the nite at -20degrees to re-start the generator and all the rest!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2021

If I weren't here I wouldn't believe our bad luck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Amazingly------- the brand new generator quit sometime in the nite!!!  I woke i[ about 7 and thought it was unusually quiet......the generator wasn't running !!!!!!  so we got up and dropped dogs turned the burner on the stove for heat and proceeded to go to the Honda website and find out where we could take the brand new Honda for service - 18 miles away and they squeezed us in!!!  Even more upsetting is that when they took it all apart they found that one of the fuel lines had a kink in it and had not been set up correctly!!!!!!!!! 

We also had to drive another 20 miles to get another battery for the 3 year old generator - so now we have 2 that should - and I use that term loosely= work!!!

It's beginning to be one of those "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all" trips.....................

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Here we are in Iron River, Wisconsin!!!!

 Yes we made it to Wisconsin, but then the cold weather and more troubles set in!!!!!   the first nite here the truck would not start after we had driven it all day!!!  Randy just was making sure it would start in the extreme cold temps and it didn't!!!!  So we asked the guys at the ambulance building next to where we are parked who might be able to take a look at the truck and find the problem ===he came at the beginning of the day and jump started it with a special jumper - then said he would try to find someone else in town to look at the truck because he was busy and couldn't get the truck in to his garage...............he called back and said he couldn't find anyone else that wanted to work and that he would try to work on it that day or early the next morning - so we drove it to his shop and he brought us back here - luckily he called back late afternoon and said he had found a loose connection in the wiring to the battery!!!!!  So we got the truck back............then this morning while we were getting ready to breakfast dogs the brand new generator quit!!!!!!  Needless to say, Randy was upset - we called the guy we bought it from the day before and he talked him through re-setting the cabin monoxide monitor - and it started up!!!  Must have been the cold temps causing the fumes to drop by the sensor..............

So we went to see the race site and the trail looks good - we are still trying to decide how or if we are going to exercise the dogs over the next week - it's so cold (like -20) it doesn't seem like it would be good for the dogs to run..............................

We also got some groceries and are going to go to the laundromat to wash some very stinky dog clothes!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Oh my goodness it is really over?

 The banquet was wonderful - they truly are like a big family and so supportive of each other - the best kind of competition that you can have!!

We left Jackson on Sunday morning after having fed and dropped and then started through the pass going to Pinedale - it was sketchy and scary but we made it OK - the bad part was when we got on I80 and they started to display signs that said there was slippery roads ahead       = well until you see it you don't believe it so we were surprised going around a fairly sharp curve on the expressway and saw black ice and snow on I80!!!! the thing that made it worse is there were 60mph winds and it made the trailer "break loose" when we hit the ice!!!!  Jesus moment................

We made it to Sidney, Nebraska (the original Cabelas ) and we parked it their lot - during the night the generator quit again and Randy had to get up in the 3degree weather and plug in and start our smaller backup generator so we had heat in the trailer!!

So in the morning we looked up the place close that could repair our big generator (the smaller one has a hard time keeping up with the needs of the   microwave, toaster....)  We drove there and in my words, they thought that going down the road with a lot of bumps caused the gas to pass into the oil and make it hard for it to run.............well they took it in this huge John Deere shop and figured that out and then didn't charge us a thing for the hour they spent troubleshooting!!!!  Talk about Nebraska hospitality!!!

But........after that we stopped to drop dogs and the generator had quit again and then further down the road it had quit again!1  so we got as far as Des Moines Iowa and are parked in a Lowe's parking lot and using the less adequate smaller generator to keep us warm tonite - for sure Randy will have to get up at least once and put gas in the generator cause it won't go more than 7 hours -and of course we are having the worst cold snap of the season!!!

Should be to Iron River, Wisconsin tomorrow all things being good!!

Found a Honda dealer in Des Moines and just bought a new generator for $2300!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Last leg of the Wyoming Stage Race

 We made it to the end!!!!!  Here's hoping they come in the way they went out- full of excitement!!!!!  It's a 30 mile trail today and 8 miles going up, then rolling for 7 to a height of 2000 feet and then back down!!  8 dogs again today - we have to remind ourselves how well we really are doing with only a pool of 11 dogs and needing to rest some of them every day!!!!  Cause most every other team is 10 dogs! And the run up to the start line is the shortest of all the legs - only about 25 yards!!!  I made it all the way to the start line ahead of the team...........well almost.....part of the way the leaders were dragging me!!

The drive from Driggs, ID wasn't too bad- the road coming into Alpine through the pass was clear so we were happy they had done a nice job cleaning the snow off - we were worried it might be bad -  but then we got on the pass from Alpine to Jackson and it did get bad.............all the way here - it was really slippery when we were going through a round-about!!!!  Some people said they bounced off from the snow banks going through!!!!!!!!

Tonight there is an awards banquet in Jackson so we are looking forward to that!!!

Well team DeKuiper did it!!!!!!  19th today and 18th overall!!!!!!!!!!!  Yay!!!!!!!  You can see the video of Randy finishing if you look at the facebook page "Pedigree Stage Stop Race"  He is at 10 minutes and 40 seconds into the video of the Teton county video (thank you Amy....)

I can't say I am going to miss getting up at 6am in order to be ready for a 9am race start for 7 days!!!!!

We drove back to Jackson from the race site in the most horrible weather we have experienced the whole trip!!!! total white out - couldn't see 50 feet ahead of us frequently - Randy said it was more stressful than the race!!!! but now we are safely back at the rodeo grounds in Jackson - Bruce and Laura are going to unhook from their trailer so they are driving us to the banquet because there is no parking for our rig there.

Tomorrow we shall see what the weather around the nation is and make a decision about which route to take to Wisconsin for our next race in Iron River 2 weeks from today - hopefully the weather will have vastly improved!!!

Friday, February 5, 2021

The end is in sight!!!!

 It looks like we might actually finish this race!!!  Of course that's assuming that Randy makes it in this morning!!!  He left on the 29 mile trail at 9:10am and I expect he will be back by 2 and a half hours.

Yesterday at noon we left Alpine and went north following a huge reservoir up and down and up and down, then down into a valley, then back up into a pass then back down into a valley where we are now -Driggs Idaho-  we spent the nite in the parking lot of the fairgrounds and I was even able to go watch some horses training in the arena - this one girl who was training for barrel racing brought her own collapsible barrels!!!! then she proceeded to set them up while sitting on her horse!!!!  Then this morning we made the 1/2 hour trip to the trailhead  - it's been snowing steadily and should make the trip back the way we came treacherous!!!  We have to go back by way of Alpine, through the pass to Jackson and then another hour north of Jackson to tomorrow's race site.  When you think of driving on a pass through the mountains   you would think it would be relatively so here.........lots of steep grades and twisting and turning!!!!!!

Good run (not excellent) today - Randy is 18th overall and 19th today!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Feb 3rd update

February 3rd

It’s a darn good thing that the telephone and the computer have the dates on them or I wouldn’t be able to tell you that it’s Feb 3rd!!!!  Like I said It’s pretty confusing moving to a new town every day!!

We did make it to the next race site just before dark – I was just at a point where I couldn’t decide whether to keep on straight to Lander or turn where it looked like from the map they provided for us in the ‘’ Stage Stop Bible” and just at that moment we saw Bruce and Laura’s trailer parked in what appeared to be a rest stop – we were so lucky to have seen them because that is actually the race start!!!!!  If it had been dark we never would have seen them and would have been driving around for hours looking for it!!!!  Plus we heard from Ed Stielstra that it is a really steep hill going on to the town of Lander – we are currently in the South Pass at an altitude of 8500 feet!!! And yes I had trouble breathing taking the team up to the line but thankfully someone offered to help slow them down running the 25 yards uphill to the start!!!

So here I am waiting in our cozy little trailer – the trail is less miles today at 30 so Randy should be about 2.5 hours I think……….

We saw storm and black ice warnings last nite when we were coming here and supposedly there is a big storm coming – so much so that in the driver’s meeting this morning they said they may want to caravan everybody to the next stop!!!!!!  It was snowing pretty heavily but now it’s just windy – the temp is probably around 30 degrees – I don’t know for sure because ….once again…….no cell service!!!!


Final results for today:  overall- 17th and today’s- 19th  thought things went good but must have gone well for everybody!!

Just got our 2nd covid test and are clear – off to Alpine to spend the nite and then leave for Driggs, Idaho tomorrow!!


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

update after the 4th stage

January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!





















 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!













January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!









 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!





January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!









 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!









 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!









 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!









 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!





 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!





 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!

 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!

 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!

 January 31

Lots to catch up on – a little busy over the last 3 days and no internet coverage – 

So Thursday nite we drove to Jackson Hole and finally found the rodeo grounds parking lot after driving in a circle through a residential neighborhood!!  For those of you who have not seen our rig, it is 62 feet long – not easy to maneuver around tight corners!!!

But we spent the nite there and quite early in the morning a a very nice vet from Ohio come and look at our 14 dog pool – everything was good except 2 of our 3 year olds looked like they might be on the verge of losing weight with the long runs – even though we know they are poor eaters and have even been giving them raw chicken from the grocery store to try and fatten them up!!!

So we left Jackson and drove back to Alpine and on the way saw 2 herds of elk – one of the herds was like a tourist attraction where they took people out on horse sleigh-wagons to look at the elk -     both herds were at least 100 by what we could see!

Got back to Alpine and went to the very good market to buy some more dog bisquits because I go through them very fast -  when you think about giving 16 dogs a bisquit every time we let them out of their box at least 5 times a day!!!

Got up at 5;30 am (I set the alarm for 6 but guess I was too anxious!!!) in order to feed the dogs water/breakfast by 6:30 so we could drop them again at the time (8:30) we should be getting ready to harness/hook up the team for a 9:15am start.  So again, for those of you who are not familiar with our race “DeKuiper schedule”- we drop the dogs and as we are dropping them/letting them out of their boxes – I put Zeus Juice on their feet before they even hit the snow so I can drench their inner paws with protective oil to prevent cracks forming in their feet while they are running in snow – wonderfully enough, Fran and Ron Nelson showed up to help me get the dogs ready – they are a couple that used to race in the MUSH organization in Michigan about the same time I started racing – they have in the last 5 years moved to Wyoming and live only 15 miles away from the Alpine race site – so it was very fun to have them here to help us hook up to race = we did have Bruce Magnusson’s snow machine to hook onto to get to the race start so that was good =we got into the shoot good and Randy took off looking good-

I thought, based on our training runs both in the UP and here in Wyoming that Randy would average 15 mph but because the trail was soft with several inches of new snow overnight, it actually took him almost 3 hours to go 30 miles!!!

So for his first stage, he came in 18th – of course not what we had hoped for but at least not last!

We packed up and headed for the next trailhead outside of Pinedale – it was a decent ride , had to go back the way we took to get to Alpine and then a 27 mile side road that dead ended at the trail start.  Nice view – found out after Randy left that the trail took him up switchbacks to the top of a mountain at 10,000 feet!!!!  He says he didn’t have any side effects (some people throw up, get headaches or light headed)  When he came back he had Island in the bag – she ran along for most of the 35 miles but laid down about 3 miles from the finish line – she has been a dog that we have been nursing a pad injury for over a month and is a bit of a pansy…….. she may not run again…….

Surprisingly, Randy moved up a spot to 18th!  So we packed up and headed for the next stage at Kemmerer – on the way we got a text saying they had a Mexican dinner for us in Kemmerer at the community center!  First time eating out in forever!!!!  It was nice and the food was good.

Left the community center and drove about an hour to the race site – we were the only ones here all nite – got a bit chilly (7 degrees) and when we got up at 6am to water the dogs the propane had run out so it was starting to get chilly inside too!!!

So here we are resting before the 8am driver’s meeting and then will drop the dogs about 8:30 and start getting ready for Randy’s 9:18 start!!!

You know I am already having a really hard time remembering what day it is and where we have been the last 4 days!!!!  It’s pretty confusing – kind of what it must be like to be “on tour”…………

Our take off this morning was less than desirable – first we apparently were not calculating his start time correctly so he was supposed to leave earlier than we had planned – so I think about 3 people were there helping us to hurry to the start line so we didn’t miss our chute time and while we were hooking up dogs Randy says some kind hearted helper unhooked the dog team from the trailer so they started leaving!!!!  We didn’t even have all of them hooked in!!! And Randy was nowhere to be seen!!!!!  and then Randy appears (having forgotten his bib in the trailer…………) and we are off to the start line with me huffing and puffing and not able to keep up with the team even with him putting the brake down!!!!!

He did take off and they looked good!  I walked down farther on the trail and wanted to see where they were going (turns out the trail goes through a valley and then up a mountain with switchbacks – both Randy and Ed Stielstra said it was the most beautiful trail of their lives – a lot coming from 2 Iditarod drivers………..)  I stayed down about 1/8 mile and watched more teams go out and then realized that in the confusion and rush to get to the start line we still have 8 dogs out tied to the trailer!!!!  When I got back they were all happy and in the sun so it was all good………..but the door to the trailer was wide open (I thing Randy in his haste had not made sure it was closed ) so who knows how much propane we used trying to heat the outdoors!!!!!

Randy came in to the finish line and I had much less hard time getting them back to the truck than I had getting them to the start line – it was down hill to the start  and of course the dogs are full of energy wanting to go – I  felt like it took me 5 minutes to catch my breath but maybe it wasn’t’ that long 

He did have a dog in the bag – she stopped in the trail about a mile from the finish line and we guess just got tired – the vet checked her and found nothing wrong but Randy thinks it’s probably a shoulder injury come back from last year.  Plus he said our old leader Gretta must have a shoulder problem because he had to keep them going under 15mph even going downhill and her partner had to keep her going  So on that note I am thinking we are really getting down on our pool of dogs and wondering if we will be able to go 4 more races……………… and then we got today’s results and Randy was 18th for the day and is at 16th overall!!!  So things don’t look quite so dismal…………

Went to the rodeo grounds community center (it’s attached to a great big riding arena and there were people training their horses for events) and had a nice roast beef dinner sitting with the Beabers and Magnussons – left there and drove about an hour down another dead end road to the race site – just Magnussons and us here for the nite.

Got up at 5:30 on Tuesday morning because we had to water the dogs earlier because they were coming to drug test 2 of our dogs – when the vets got here we took out a total of 4 dogs and managed to get 2 good samples…………

We hooked everyone up and by luck were able to have Jess, Alix Crittendon’s handler take us up to the start line – like a 1/8 mile away, downhill in soft snow – I made it almost to the line in front of the dogs but then my breathing got the best of me so they went to the line by themselves – I found out we are at over 8,000 feet so no wonder I am having some breathing trouble!!!!

Randy made it back with the dogs looking pretty good!!!  He said the trail took him up over 2 different mountains!!!   So for today he was 17th  at 2:57 hours and overall 16th – with the person in 17thonly 8 seconds behind!!!!  On to Lander – it’s supposed to take 2.5 to 3 hours!!!!!