Sunday, February 21, 2021

Yes!!!!!! We got 4th place!!!!

 Friday Lydia and Moe did come for a brief visit and invited us to dinner after the race the next day - we woke up kind of early with all the activity in the parking lot (we parked in our spot on Friday nite) with people arriving and we wanted to have given our dogs breakfast before the 8 am singing of the National Anthem!  We helped Moe get up to the line and then found out when he returned he had a heck of a mess at the first road crossing!!!  His dogs blew through the snow fence and he ended up under a car!!!!  He managed to get things straightened out again and finished in 8th!

We didn't race until 1:30 and the dogs were very very excited to go - we still didn't know if we had made the right decision to just let them free drop for exercise since the stage stop race (what with it being so cold and all......) and it turned out to be a good decision!!  They took off strong and ended strong and got 4th!!  So we were very happy!!!

Lydia and Moe took us to dinner at a restaurant in Brule WI and I had the most delicious whitefish dinner ever in my life!!!

Today we moved the truck and trailer closer to the clubhouse because we found out from the owner and race coordinator that we could have free wifi!!!  so free dropped the dogs 2 more times today and don't know if we are going to leave for Calumet in the UP tomorrow or Tuesday - it's really a nice set up here all by ourselves with tv and wifi!!!!


Trenkle Family said...

It's nice to see the pictures and I'm glad you are able to get some entertainment in the truck! I know there's a way to call using internet instead of cell service - i just have to ask Bill how to do it again. We did that with Caitlin when she was in Germany and she had internet service but no cell service. In fact, she had her phone in no cell mode the entire time so she didn't accidentally use it! :)

I would say take your time and get some well deserved rest for a day or two before heading up to Calumet. You all deserve a break! :)

Love you!!

Caitlin said...
