Thursday, January 13, 2022

Way lots of snow!!

 We are truly seeing a UP winter!!!  Randy thinks there is at least 14 inches of snow and more in places you can't even go to measure!

We trained all 16 healthy and uninjured dogs today on a portion of the trail that Randy has been grooming for specifically that reason- we did see Bruce and Laura out on the trail but not much else....

Had a wonderful farewell chili dinner with Jan and the Waltman's tonight!  Feels like we just settled in to our "Dog Camp" and we are already leaving - had to take my philodendron plant over to Jan so she could babysit it again this year!

Didn't get much packing done since I am still gimping around so I guess the big push is going to be tomorrow (or today if you look at the time I post this......)  mostly people food, clothes and various other things need to be loaded into the yellow pick up and delivered across the 407 to the trailer - it should take most of the morning tomorrow and then we have to hook the dogs up on a stake-out line and run them over to the trailer as well - I was hurting a bit today after training so we will see if it causes more problems when I have to put dogs in boxes in the trailer tomorrow!  Thankfully it's only my right leg that is hurting and it was pretty good a couple of days ago so maybe it will be good tomorrow!

So we will load everything up and take off for Baldwin (1/2 hour north of our downstate home) and for sure be there in time for the sponsor's race at 4 on Friday evening, race Saturday and Sunday and then leave for Wyoming on Monday or Sunday evening!!

Will let you know how the weekend goes!

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