Sunday, January 23, 2022

What could go wrong next............?????

 We left Baldwin on Friday as planned and arrived here at Deer Park late afternoon - enough daylight to get into the house and turn the electric back on and get started on warming the house.  Fed the dogs in their boxes and dropped and slept in the trailer -

Saturday we brought all of the dogs back to the dog yard using the same approach as when we left - tie 2 leaders in front in harness and 1/2 the dogs on a stake-out line hooked in by their collars with the snow machine behind them.  That worked good and it was great that they could be released when we got into the yard and most of them wanted to be hooked up in their circle!

We went into town to buy parts for the cracked water pipe we found in the bathroom under the sink and bought some groceries - came home and Randy started to replace the pipe and found he had the wrong size fittings...........back to town and for more groceries I home and fed dogs and Randy asked me to get the new fittings out of the was locked with the keys inside............ went over to Jan's to callAAA for road service and they said they would be here in 45 minutes..........not............never went to Frank Caldwell's on the snowmobile and asked if he had a "break in tool" and he did and would come over in the morning................

Sunday morning Frank comes and gets the truck open and Randy tries to get into Jim's house to turn on the water to our place and he can't get the door unlocked!!!!!  So he decides to feed dogs, tries again and gets the door open and the water turned on...............but no water coming to the house!!!  We at this point don't know if the pipe is frozen underground but don'e know for sure.................

So Randy went around the trail for 2 hours and thought some fix for the water would occur to him!

Meanwhile we had Peeps from her surgery in the house for the first time overnite - she was in a crate that had straw bedding in it and by morning (having taken her out to pee 3 times during the nite) the living room floor was covered in straw!!!!  You cannot believe how loud she was howling during the nite wanting to be let out!!!  Of course Randy never heard her!!!  So not a very restful first nite back!!!! At least it's easier on my body getting into the bed - it was pretty painful trying to get up into the fifth wheel bed multiple times a nite!!!!!

So we are warm and have a trail (almost too much snow.........) the dogs are happy and all we are lacking is water!!!!!  Guess it will be like living in the trailer for awhile!!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

I hope you guys were finally able to get some water! We have ours back on for the last few days - fingers crossed we don't have any more water main breaks!

I hope you keep feeling better now that you're back in a regular bed and that peeps continues to adjust to living in the house. :)

Love you both!