Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Happy Valentine's belatedly everyone!!!


Well tomorrow turned out to be Wednesday!!! (we lost a couple of days of communication!)

Went out to dinner Sunday nite for our treat for Valentines Day to Patrick's Pub again and Randy liked the pulled pork so well from Thursday at the draw meeting that he ordered it again!!

We did get covid test  results while we were still in Laconia – we had left the race site to get fuel and were driving around looking for a place to park wifi so I could work on the ArrivCan website so we could leave as soon as we had the results – after a  few short words with each other because we tried a couple of places to park that would not accommodate our rig and we almost got stuck in their lot, we did find another Walmart out by the expressway – crazily, just as I was coming back from checking out whether there was a restaurant in the Walmart – like so many do- and sure enough there was a Subway.  So we had lunch and I completed the many many pages of forms for ArivCanfor a half hour and received my receipt number – along with the test results form CVS which I screen shotted we were good to go – good roads all the way to the border and things were going peachy until the patrolman asked if we had ever been turned away at the border…………………you see they have all that info in their computer………so they knew we had been sent back in September because we got close to the bridge in Port Huron and then became committed with no place to turn off and hoping against hope would get the results on the phone before we got to the patrol…….that didn’t happen and they detained us for 4 hours in the immigration office and then turned us back into the US with an address of a place that would do covid tests for $100 each – so that is now in our “permanent file” – thankfully Randy answered yes to this border patrolman, but they still made us pull over and come into the office until they could verify that we did as they asked in September and were cleared – whew, we thought we were in for more trouble but they just handed back our driver’s licenses and we were good to go!! {sidenote- wouldn’t you know it that just after we got the $100 test done I got the results form the Rite Aid in Fremont!!!!)

The rest of the trip to Charette and out friends the Bellerives was uneventful= got here about 7 – Patrick and Melanie were just leaving her parents house across the street so they stopped to greet us and then Claude came over and spent some time looking and dogs and talking!!!  They were pretty excited to see us!!! and that made us feel really good!

Yesterday was going on the website of the after-the-border-crossing-you-have-to-get-another-covid test-in-Canada!!!  They randomly chose Randy to be tested again, so they gave us this box at the border and we had to register on yet another website and make a virtual appoint with a health care professional to guide us through the process and observe we were doing it right………….so we did and now today the test kit is hanging on the garage door know of the Bellerive’s house and there is supposed to be a Purolator courier picking it up today between 9am and 6pm – then is 2 to 3 days we have to go back on the website and see what the results are!!!!  What a bunch of malarkey!!!!  And I am stressed every minute of it!!!!

Today we are hoping to run some dogs on the pretty crusty training trail after we hopefully get a little snow this afternoon – we have 6 dogs that haven’t run lately and we need to see how they are feeling –

We did get a call from the vet that performed the surgery on Peeps and MSU lab did determine that the growth on her intestine was cancerous – chances of her living 1 year are 75% and for 2 years 65%-  not restrictions just let her do what ever feels like doing – so we shall see.  Disappointing news to be sure – she is only almost 4 and has lots of potential as a leader – the best of the 4 in her litter.

Last nite was dinner at the Bellerive’s for pizza and dessert called “Queen Elizabeth cake”!!!  never heard of it let alone tasted it!!!  Kink of like a cakey fruit cake……..with carrots and who knows what else in it!!!

Friday we leave for Maniwaki – takes about 6 hours from here –north of Montreal up in the mountains – we are hoping they have good snow at that elevation and won’t get the rain that is predicted for tonite and tomorrow!!!  Will write again this weekend!!!

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