Friday, February 4, 2022

We have a plan!!!!

 Whether the border and the weather will cooperate with us remains to be seen!!!

We are going to pack and train once more over the next 2 days and then load the dogs to the trailer across the street and take off for Laconia on Monday - there is a huge storm following the same path we will take driving so we will see how bad it gets!!!

I am not looking forward to packing up the house and then unpacking to the's hard to remember what you have in one place and don't have in another - speaking of which, yesterday we went to Escanaba to get dog meat for the last time this year, and Randy dropped me off at Walmart to get some things we had forgotten in town last trip I self checked out and left 4 1/2 gallons of almond milk and 3 dozen eggs sitting on the checkout counter- that I just noticed today!!!!!!

Too cold today - started out at -7F and a high of 10!!!  It's not pleasant to be outside even though the sun is shining!!!!

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