Sunday, March 13, 2022

Last race report!!

I can’t remember for sure where I left off communicating so I will do a brief update of the last week – as we speak we are sitting at the last race of the year in Quebec at St. Christine (like the name…….?? no resemblance!!!) 

We trained only one day on Wednesday but trained 2 teams – one ours and the other some dogs we are looking at from Claude – we went to Walmart once in Shawinigan and the rest of the week just continued to recover from being sick – it may well have been covid but we didn’t test so we don’t know………

We did also go out to the local restaurant with Bellerives and Hermel and had great conversation and good food!!  Randy got all his favorites- a cheeseburger, poutine and sugar pie!!!!  Not on the diet but we are planning to resume that when we get home!!

Oh and when we got home from eating out I felt a very very sharp back molar- at first I thought my filling had fallen out but it was the tooth that had broken off!!!  Time for a crown and $1000!!!

Plus we got out bill from our telephone provider and I thought we were paying more for international service but didn’t know HOW much!!!! This last month was $339!!!!

The race this weekend has been a mass start and a very snowy trail here with blowing and drifting (especially in the 4 mile field section) .  Randy and I were on our own yesterday since everybody starts at the same time so there are no “extra handlers” walking around to plead for help with!!!  We managed to get them all hooked up and Randy left on cue with the flag drop and was not the last to make it to the trail but I couldn’t really see what was going on so far away (everybody starts in a big semicircle _we chose to be all the way on the right side, then they drop a flag to say “go” and every team vies to reach the actual trail first!!! The start of the trail was maybe a /1/4 mile away and down a decline so hard for me to see) there were 13 entered in the 10 dog and the first day Randy came in 10th – both Claude and Hermel had trouble in the drifted part of the trail yesterday so they opted not to come today.  We don’t have he results yet but are quite sure he moved up at least one place – he had a good run, it was just a hard trail for the dog but he was very proud of how they ran!!!  Especially the old leader, Yeti – he is one heck of a dog!!! 


Tomorrow morning is our traditional goodbye breakfast with the Bellerives – and then on to Michigan!!!  It’s been almost since my birthday in Septmeber since we have been home…………so really looking forward to the hot tub and mostly seeing all of our family and friends!!!!  I will write again to let you know we got home safely!!! 

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

safe travels home!!! We love you!