Sunday, November 6, 2022

Back again!!!

First off I am going to show you some pictures from our time up in the UP so far this year............

Rainbow that we say last nite getting gas in Newberry after church - and then the storm came that has left us without power for the last 24 hours!!!  Thankfully Randy is a wizard at connecting the generator to multiple cords so we have all the essentials.........heat, microwave and tv and computer!!!!
My first of three pumpkins to be carved this year - I was trying for a scary face!!!  the flowers we got on Halloween and there is a spider and web decoration in the bouquet!!

this little guy was parked in town when we went into the lot for the senior center - we had stopped for me to shop for material to make this year's Christmas ornaments!!!  The guy that owns it had gotten it in Wisconsin for $400 and drove it back to Newberry for the kid's Halloween party at the community center - he was going to make a haunted trail and the kids would have to walk through the legs of the skeleton!!

Some of the beautiful color up here............sadly every bit of color is gone now!!!
my Halloween decorated arrangement outside our back door-- see the ghosts hanging? more to come on them............

 scene from one of the lakes that we run by training the dogs
the poor dead bodies of my ghosts retrieved from the garage where a red squirrel brutally ripped them from my decoration tree and dragged them across the floor and left them in shreds!!!!!!!  who knew a red squirrel would climb up that tree to grab my ghosts to use for bedding!!!???  the next day I sprayed them with bleach and there were no more murders!!!!

Well we arrived here at Deer Park in the beginning of October - so far the training has been pretty good - I think we have only missed about 4 days of training due to the weather - there was a time in the beginning that we were trying to do each dog 2 days on and 1 day off but with the warm weather it hasn't 't been that easy - actually pretty hard to do just every other day..........but we are happy

The big training session was last weekend = there we're about 16 teams here to train and both saturday and sunday we left from our side of the road first to train so we met every team head on coming back!!!!  In retrospect, it was a bit much for the puppies that we are running in the team = they were intmidated by the other dogs but eventually got over it and went by fine -  there were probably 40 people there for the pot luck in Bruce and Laura's pole barn and the speaker was a vet from Colorado and she did a great job of doing a preliminary and secondary physical exam of dogs when they have come back from a run to check for injuries

We haven't spent any time sight seeing and have gone to Marquette once for dog medicine and once to Escababa to get dog meat.

When I think of more I will tell you in the next post!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Love all the pictures! You hadn't told me about the ghosts yet - too funny!
Love you both!!