Monday, November 28, 2022

Hope you all had a wonderful Blessed Thanksgiving day!!!

We had a great week all week!!!  Tuesday Mitzi, Keyon and the 2 kids came up to visit us for a couple of days!!  They rented a house an hour away from us - they arrived Tuesday just in time for them to go out with Grandpa and ride the snow machines watching him train a team - then we came back and they each drove a one dog team down the driveway and then I pulled them around a one mile course on the dog sled behind the snow machine!!! great fun!!!  

Later we went out to dinner in Hulbert at the restaurant we have been to before where they feed the deer herd right outside the windows next to your table -----unfortunately because of deer season they  were not allowed to feed deer so we couldn't see any................

Wednesday they came back over and Mitz rode around the trail training dogs with her dad and the kids and Keyon and I stayed back and made 7 snow people to greet Grandpa and Mom at the end of our driveway when they came back from training!!!

That nite we went over to their rental house and had an early Thanksgiving dinner!!  delicious with all the trimmings!!!

They left Thursday morning early because Keyon had to work Friday = we went to Carol and John Waltman's and had another nice turkey dinner!!!  pretty hard to stay on a diet this week!!!!

Saturday was church and we have been training every day but a little later because we have had to wait until the slush that froze overbite to thaw out a bit so the dogs didn't hurt their feet - as of today, most of our foot of snow is gone - some left on the trail  but not much!  We were training and noticed that Gear was having trouble keeping up so Randy left Gear and me on the trail side and we started walking home - she certainly pulled me hard enough she didn't appear to be injured!!!  It turned out that I walked her for 2 miles!!!  that was some exercise wearing winter boots!!!!

It must be Thanksgiving  because the lights in Newberry are on!!!!

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