Thursday, December 8, 2022

It's looking a bit more like December now..............

training one of the 2 teams of 10 going through the entrance to "Narnia" because it looks kind of enchanted!
One of the pups we will be taking down to Dee to watch for the rest of the winter - they are only almost 8 months old but as big as full grown dogs!!!  this one is marble
The dog yard up in the UP
Our very handsome and strong runner Cool - he is a son of Yeti out of Streeper Kennels
Doesn't Watson have the most beautiful blue eyes??!!  He and one girl that we got in Quebec that is a daughter of a dog we gave our friends Mario and Suzanne (Greg) are the only 2 we have with the blue eyes
This year's Christmas tree - we have had it for a month already but just put it up on december 4th

the last week or so has been pretty busy - going to Escanaba to get more dog meat, dinner at Jan's for chicken and dumplings, to town a couple of times to get a new tire for the trailer because Randy discovered it was flat!!!  (and it was a brand new tire 2 months ago!!) getting the snow machine we just purchased up and running, writing Christmas cards, lots of wrapping and getting ready to come downstate to see family for a Christmas gathering on December 11th and also bringing the 5 pup that are 8 months old but all as big as adults!

We had a foot of snow when Mitzi and her family were here for 2 days so we were able to do a lot of the dog=related activities they were looking forward to (one dog sled runs, runs for a mile behind the snow machine and Mitzi for a 4 dog team 4 miler and got to watch Grandpa training dogs 2 days!!).  Then we lost the snow but now are getting it back very slowly............way less snow here than we have seen in the previous 4 years we have stayed up here!!

The dogs are going around 26 miles currently and we want to get them up over 30 in the next couple of weeks to be ready for the first race the first weekend of January up here - but if we don't get a lot more snow that is even in question!

There may be a storm this weekend to drive through so we will just have to say prayers that it doesn't stop us from getting see family this weekend!  More later..............



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