Thursday, February 15, 2024

Happy Valentines Late!!!

 Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Quiet week – the trail was too soft to train on so we wouldn’t wreck it and the next day it got cold and froze the ruts into it – so looks like no training this week – the temp will have to get just right for us to smooth the trail and then cold enough to harden it up again……………whew……..who knew so much science went into putting in a training trail!!!!

Lots of movie watching this week in stead of training (thank you Moe and Lydia for all the movies) and Randy is going through about a Louis L’Amour book a day (also thanks to Moe) so the fact that we have been invited to dinner at the Claude and Renell’s on Tuesday and Melanie and Patrick’s on Thursday really brightens up the week!!   Melanie did find out for me where we could go to Ash Wednesday services and so we drove to St. Elie de Caxton (about 4 miles from Bellerive’s house) and had Mass in French!  And imagine the surprise of the priest after Mass when I went to confession in English!  He handled it smoothly though he must have been shocked-

Tonight we will find out whether the race at Pont Rouge is still on for a week from Saturday- as cold as it has been we should have kept whatever trail they had put in unless something or someone damaged it by going on it when it was soft…  That has always been a blessing for us to have Claude being “in the know” and keeping us up to date when we otherwise would be in the dark!  So if we find out tonight that the race is cancelled for one week from now and we know the last race has been cancelled already that was to be March 17 (the snowmobilers didn’t want to share their trail on the weekend……….) we might be on our way back to Michigan rather abruptly!!!

Another big trip to Walmart today…………out of a few essentials like bread and milk and Randy was ever-so-sweet to buy me a bouquet of flowers!!!!

Next we are going to lunch at a small restaurant here in Charette that is owned by a man we have become friends with over the years we have been coming here – he used to work for Claude in the shop here in Charette but his wife wanted to open a restaurant so he quit!  They started out small with just a window service out of  a caboose (as it’s located across the street form the railroad) and last year opened a full blown restaurant with inside seateing. He has always been so good to us helping with problems with the truck or the generator and speaks English which is the really big bonus!!  So will let you know how the hamburgers are!!

Simon's restaurant in Charette
the beginning of his restaurant
kind of a Halloween picture - Yeti decided to kiss my face with his foot!

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