Thursday, February 8, 2024


Week of February 5th update:

Monday we did go to Shawinigan to Walmart and would have enjoyed it more if my back hadn’t been hurting so bad……..some days are worse than others and this day it hurt just walking in the store.  I had thought that stopping the statin drug for cholesterol would and did help but not any more.  I did start a new cholesterol med that is twice a month injectable to see if that helped my cholesterol numbers and the back pain- I haven’t taken it but a couple of months and haven’t had my blood tested since starting it but it doesn’t seem to be helping my back (one of the side effects of the statins is muscle pain).  I have run into one small problem……….I can’t find my next 3 doses of the injectable med.  Moving your household 3 times in 4 months causes one not to have a good idea where things end up – not to mention each of the doses was a $47 copay!!!!

Monday nite we had a fabulours roast beef and pork dinner with the Bellerive family – Claude, Renelle, Melanie and Patrick.  We talked politics, health insurance, dog racing and a multitude of catching up stories since we saw them last spring!

Tuesday we trained all the dogs!  On Monday morning a musher from Quebec came and bought a dog that ran wheel for Randy in the race because he wanted one that size for his daughter’s 6 dog team and he liked the looks of him.  And we gave him a very good dog that has a hurt hip and told them they shouldn’t run him until next year training.  So that means we are now down to 17 dogs!  Some days it still seems like too many to take in and out 5 times a day minimum and to train every other day-  but both of us (except for some falls on the slippery, icy driveway) are doing well and feeling strong again from handling the dogs.  (some  of our yearlings are 70 pounds!)

Training went well 2 teams with the snowmachine – just a fun exercise run about 4 miles and we had Flint, one of the yearlings up in lead for the first time!!  He did really good except for pooping and pulling back each time about 6 times – maybe he had the “nervous poops”???

Today we are going to give the dogs nasal vaccine for kennel cough – normally we give them injectable but I oops when I ordered it – so we will see how much they don’t like getting fluid pushed up their noses!!!!  And they hated it!!!!

Tonite at Melanie and Patricks house for dinner – will let you know how the trip to St. Appolinaire goes when we get there and are sure  what we are doing!!!

this is the damage from running over the stump getting our parking place in Baldwin
helping with Christmas dinner in Newberry
My first ever banquette!!!!  the Dutch desert  one of them turned out to be a puddle!!!
biggest freighter we have ever seen going under the bridge!!!
this year's Newberry Christmas!
My view our of my hospital window in Petoskey when I had my appendicitis's
pigs in the road in the UP!!

 My Halloween tree at our house entrance!!

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