Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Luke and Bec!!! WE love you!!!

Tuesday was a pretty uneventful day (which was good after yesterday's events!!) Free dropped the dogs at the sugar shack and you can just tell they are very happy to be "out and about"!! 30 wagging tails and only some minor quibbling. Too soon to train again so we read some, watched a movie that Lou Serre loaned us and joined the Bellerives, Lou other friends Marcel and his wife GiGi for dinner at the Villageaous in Charrette. I had my new favorite "crevette i alail" or something like that (which is garlic shrimp). I try very hard to order and speak in French as much as I can but it's not very good and most often not understandable!!!!!! That reminds me of a funny story that happened on the island last weekend (don't think I told it already - don't read it if I have) We met the woman that was called "Noelange" which is Christmas angel (If I were still having babies I might name a girl that!) who was also the sister of a woman we became friends with the last 2 years we went to the Lil aux Coudres island race = I don't remember her real name because everybody calls her "BaDa" (as in the Flintstones, Fred's "yaba-daba doo"!) So on Sunday Noelange comes to the truck to tell us that our friend Francine (whom we stayed with for 2 years at her home overlooking the St. Laurence Seaway) will be stopping by that afternoon. Well, not only does Randy call her the wrong name (her name is Noelange he calls her BaDa) but he pronounces it totally incorrectly as "bidette" (like "biday"), which we all know is something very different, and the funniest thing is that Randy had no idea until later I explained to him he had called her "an upside down shower for private parts"!!!!!!!!

Today, Wednesday, we trained 2 teams on a very hard packed trail and things went pretty well except for at the road crossing (Claude's training trail goes across a very busy hiway and someone has to get up onto the road to see if traffic is clear before the dog team can cross) and so we are coming back from the other side of the road with a team of 12, Lou Serre is following us (also using a snowmobile to train) and we see up ahead Claude with a team of at least 12 on the other side of the road and Marcel with a team of 8 in the trail still hooked to the tuck but head-on on our side of the road!!! It was like a dogsled-traffic jam!!!! So Claude came across the road head-on to us and I was holding our leaders, and kabam! Claude's leaders and first 6 dogs bunched up into a terrible mess of dogs and lines!!! Everybody turned out OK but it took Hermel (the dog trainer and friend) and me to untangle them - looked like "dog spaghetti"!!

This afternoon I am just catching up on some laundry and communication at the "big house".
Have great birthday today Lucas and tomorrow Bec!!!!

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