Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some pictures of the local scenery!

Hello out there!! The top 2 pictures are of the Bellerive property- the left is standing in the street looking at the barn with my back to the house and on the right the reverse- the "fairytale looking" spiraled part of the house is a little library and the barn to the right of the first barn is actually much bigger and is where all the dogs live in a heated barn with individual water on demand!

The 3rd picture is the table I set for all of us for dinner on Tues nite - I had invited them last week because they are always feeding us and I thought "why didn't I think of this before????" It turned out to be delightful and we had such fun and conversation (binlingual of course) They liked my chili well enough that they want the recipe - the problem is I never make anything the same way twice (that can happen when you don't use a recipe) and the can of chili I used for a "starter" I don't even know if you can buy in Quebec! The "piece de resistance" was dessert - homemade hot fudge sauce (from my Mom and sister Bec's recipe) and a sundae bar with even "good and plentys"! In the pix below you can see I even had an "appropriate" centerpiece - a little girl with her dog and sled candle holder that my sister Kay gave me!!

We trained dogs yesterday so today was just "Fun Drop Day" = we had a thought from Terry Streeper saying that often to teach young dogs to stay around the truck he chains them to another one that does - so today we hooked Bell (the girl we spend 20 minutes trying to catch each time) to my leader Fratz, who never wants to leave my side - so she got "reined in" and he got more exercise than normal which is good for him!!

I am tickled to say I got another Morningstar Health case to manage today, so the afternoon has been that and laundry and writing to you!! Back up to the sugar shack to feed the "crew" as Randy calls them and then back down here for supper which I see Lise (the Bellerives longtime friend, cook, housekeeper, message center, you get the picture) cooking in the kitchen as we speak - fish!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Hi Mom! Sounds like you guys are having a nice time. Thanks for posting the pictures!

Love you!