Sunday, March 28, 2010

My racing year is over.........but stayed in 19th place!!

We did end up going to the bonfire last nite - figured since Dale Raitto had said that he had a place plowed out big enough for us to fit that we should go!!! We were early in the evening so more and more mushers showed up while we were there - I got to have mooseburger!!! delicious!! Hug bonfire! Music playing outside - very fun!

Today my instructions from Randy were to "not use the drag" and "drive them hard all the way"! Well the first I was able to do totally but the second was hard to do since I had the same thing going on as yesterday.....Wendy drove hard on the way out and then it was almost like she said to Wava (who had not been driving hard on the way out) "OK it's your turn" because as soon as Wendy started not pulling, Wava started (It reminded me of the Wiley Coyote cartoon where they punch in and out of the time clock!) I did have a faster run than the 18th place person but not quite enough to get me into 18th; she beat me by 11 seconds - there were 9 teams in the 35 minute slot - very close racing all around!!!
Well the puppies are being noisy in the back, I suppose I should take them out and tire them out a bit!!!
I will let you know how Randy's run goes!

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