Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lots to write but no time and sometimes no coverage!

Randy had a not-so-great Sunday at Tok - the dogs were flat and didn't seem to want to run very bad - we left Tok after the awards ceremony and crossed the border that nite - made it to Whitehorse and stopped to work - saw Kenny Chezik drive by and Jan Fairbanks stopped to say hello on her way to Minnesota when she saw our distinctive truck - stopped to feed later and saw Dawn Brown, Jerry Mulvey and Steve Long stopped to feed/drop - stopped at a beautiful spot on the roadside for the nite -pictures will be forthcoming - drove to Watson Lake - had to stop in a restaurant to use the computer - took off into the mountains and the road was dry and it was snowing and raining- all of a sudden it turned into a blizzard and the road to ice and snow - we were on a steep mountain incline about 2/3rd the way up and - you guessed it- the truck would not go ahead any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spinning and sliding backwards - we cannot tell you how scary - so I had to hold my foot on the brake cause the emergency brake was not enough to hold us, we needed the trailer brakes also - and Randy put the chains on and then I let it go back a little, and then adjust the chains and let it go back a little - finally with the chains we could go forward and stopped at the next pull off - we got 6 inches of snow during the night - we waited till we thought the snow plows might have cleared the mountain pass and asked some guys coming from the East how the roads were - they told us not to take the chains off! So with much trepidation we set out for Ft. Nelson - bad, bad, bad - drove with the chains on for 2 and 1/2 hours until one of them broke, replaced it and then finally the roads began to warm up and clear much of the way to Ft. Nelson - saw buffalo, caribou and eagles in the last 2 days - pictures soon - made it to Ft. Nelson and was working and Terry Streeper knocked on the door (there is really something to be said for having a distinctive truck - by the way a picture of it is on Sled Dog Central under the truck section) and he invited us to dinner - met his lovely and funny wife, Debbie and the 2 handlers (one from Quebec and one from Germany) that have been here all winter (they have the Streeper International Dog Handler Exchange Program going here!!!!) We are staying the nite in their drive. More tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Whew! What a scary trip! I'm looking forward to talking to you again when you get back to the States. I miss you!