Friday, March 13, 2015

Last race of the season!

Wednesday cont. – had dinner at the Bellerive’s house – chicken caccitore (spelling) I believe – no one could tell me for sure because Lise the housekeeper made the dinner- too much food – I was full and then Claude insisted we have dessert –sugarpie, banana bread and ice cream!  Ooof!!
Thursday we thought about training but the weather changed from spring back to dead of winter !!!  cold enough to think about mittens over the gloves again!  Randy went out to check the trail once and it was very crusty – what we gained by giving them a bit of exercise we might lose by hurting feet.
We were picked up at 6:30 by Renelle and Claude and we joined Melanie and Patrick at the restaurant in town for dinner.  Patrick is feeling better without nearly the pain since he started taking Lyrica but is sleeping a lot – like most of the day and nite. 
Speaking of sleeping- I had a terrible nite Wed nite – it was blowing back in all of the cold air!!  I kept hearing buckets and poop scoops blowing around all nite and it felt like it might blow the whole trailer down the road!!!
We are leaving this morning (Friday) at about 10:30 or so for St. Methode – Randy says we will probably come back here on Monday and spend the nite and then leave Tuesday morning early so we get thru the rush hour at Montreal.  Don’t know if I will have any internet access this weekend so you may not hear from me till Monday!!


Pilot son said...

I hope you had good luck today and tomorrow! You won't have to worry about needing your driveway plowed, the snow should all be gone by mid week!

Please drive cautiously in the way home. We miss you and look forward to seeing you soon.

Trenkle Family said...

Looking good so far Randy! I looked up the race site and you guys are doing well! Good luck today!