Thursday, March 2, 2017

Yup, it was a laundry day.........

Rained all day and felt like shirt sleeve weather.  I ended up doing only 2 very large loads of wash and Randy helped me walk them up to the house (only about 1/8 mile) and then I came back for lunch in between so managed to bring all the clean folded clothes back myself.

Nothing else to do so also colored my hair!!!

At 6:30 we walked up to Bellerive's house and had dinner ordered in from the restaurant in town.  The dore fish was delicious!  Then for dessert we had a sample of the chocolate they will be selling at the addition they are putting in at Place Biermans -  it is a franchise they are purchasing and it is like a dipped chocolate shell that we had over ice cream- very good!!!

Visited about dogs and racing (we really hadn't been together to talk for 2 weeks) and watched a video from the race Sunday at St. Luc where Patrick lost his team and then got dq'd (in the US you can accept a ride on another sled or a snow machine to get to your team and not be dq'd but not in Quebec) - he had tried to hook down after his dogs got tangled going through one of the ponds in the trail and his snow hook wouldn't hold and they left without him - the Garmin that he uses on the sled has video, mph, average mph, and a line indicating altitude over the whole run - pretty amazing to be able to track all of that!!!  We have one that we don't use much but it is only a video camera.

Then we talked about their robbery - someone actually kicked a door in and went up to their bedroom and in the back of their closet stole only some money they had hidden behind clothes - left everything else of value there..........very scary they are obviously feeling violated.  Crazy it could happen like that in the morning and when they were just a mile away at the office!!

The temperature dropped radically overnite so back to winter clothes with neck warmer and mitts over gloves to feed dogs!!!  Randy is leaning towards not training today because we are treating feet on 4 dogs from the rough trail last weekend - Bellerives are not going to the Riviere Ouelle race (about an hour south and east of Quebec City) because they have a majority of dogs from their teams that have injured feet from the weekend so we may still go if they have a race - the rain yesterday may have trashed their race trail but we should know that by tonite.  It will only take about 2 hours to get there so we would not leave until late morning tomorrow anyhow.

More tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Nate said...

you need a full body snowsuit with goggles, i don't want you getting frostbitten anymore. I love you guys very much, take care.