Saturday, December 2, 2017


Yo from the Yoopers!!!  The last week has been kind of busy – we trained on Monday and Tuesday and then went to an impromptu visit with my back pain doctor on Wednesday for a consultation – the 2 injections he has done on the T7,8,9 facet joints has not changed the pain I have in my middle back = so he suggested a different approach bathing the spinal cord around the backside with  steroid – as I write right now it seems to have worked!!! 
So we fed Tuesday and then left about 3:30 and thought we had a room in Cadillac for the nite – got there and they were booked up with people doing outside construction work!!!!!  We said “well it looks like it will be easiest to just go home for the nite………….and called Dee  to say “please start a fire in the house for us” and when we got home it was perfectly toasty inside (it helped that the temp was almost 50 degrees that day and somewhat sunny)  The pain in  the but part is that any time we come home you have to turn on the water and the gas and then when you leave drain the pipes and antifreeze them and turn off the gas…………..
We did have a list of things we had not brought with that we forgot so it was good to get those and bring them back north – not to mention I had a bazillion  Christmas presents to      wrap and check on for our family Christmas on December 17th in Fremont at Spanky’s Pizza =
So   went to the consultation and got an explanation of the new “approach” and agreed (hope it works cause I may not come back if it doesn’t???......) scheduled for 1:50 pm on Thursday…  we went directly from the office to Red Lobster and had my favorite- crab legs!  Then shopped at Sam’s Club for some rice for dogs and a few other things and then to our hotel on 28th street.  Good nite rest and good breakfast in the morning and then more shopping for Christmas and me and then the injection at 1:50 – went well and I hope I am not imagining it but it feels like it might have worked this time!!!
Have to stop in Newberry for some non-ethanol gas for the 4 wheeler and then home and bed traand training dogs tomorrow!!!
Trained short both Friday and Saturday due to the warm weather -- did have some passing practice with the Caldwell's 9 dog team today - about 20 passes in an hour -we did see improvement in our team not getting distracted!
Going to church tonite and shopping for still some more things I have forgotten for Christmas and more food........always more food!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

I liked the picture on facebook of the teams about to pass!

Did you find some good rocks yesterday?? Hope the weather cooperates this week to train.

Love you!