Sunday, February 25, 2018

Good news folks!!!!

I know you are all dying to know how today went so I will be brief and to the point…………IT WAS CRAZY GOOD!!!!!!!!  The first report we had about trail conditions was from a gal from New England that went out in the 4 dog – she said it was a sheet of ice (all the slush froze overnite) and you slid way out on every corner and wanted Randy to know before he went out in the 6 dog – and it was very fast and very slippery!!!!  Randy’s average speed was 19.93 mph!!!!! Shows what the team could do without Swix trying to slow the other leader, Spark down by pulling back!!!!  Today he ran Spark by himself -  for the very first time ever!!!  He acted a little funny the first mile or so but then figured out he could go as fast as he wanted to all by himself!!!!!  So he moved up to 25th place which put him in the money!!!
After the 6 dog there was an hour and half break and during that time it started snowing great big fat wet flakes of snow!!  That covered the trail and stuck so the trail wasn’t nearly as slick as it was in the morning!  And since there was no malamute team to mess things up today, Randy moved into 7th!!!!!!!!!  Real Turmel (a Quebec driver we have known for over 12 years and a very good dog trainer/racer though he is out of racing now- we also bought the better part of a whole team from him before we went to race in Alaska) was at the half way point and told Randy he had the second fasted time!!!!!!  Randy is very pleased with how tough the dogs are!!! And fast!!!!  Whatever we did this year with this group of dogs sure seems to be working well!!!  Randy said tonite even if he never wins another race that this season’s performance has been like winning!!!  So there you have it…….tomorrow a day off (maybe back to the generator store again because when he tried the electric start over the weekend it wouldn’t work and he had to pull start it!!!!!  At least the last time they worked on it he had them change the pull cord to the front of the generator so we didn’t have to take it out to start it!!!  Then training on Tuesday for sure……….  Randy commented that he was surprised that he feels good enough to have raced in 2 different classes for the weekend – even better than last year – even though he hasn’t lost quite the same amount of weight (still up 5 pounds from last year – too many celebratory Oreos??!!)  and Suzanne, my new best racing buddy, brought us a pint of maple butter (her boss makes it) so now he has another treat to eat tonite!!!!!  Sweet dreams everybody- I am sure we will!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

Woo hoo!!! What a weekend!! I'm so excited that everything is going so well with the dogs this year. I can tell by the typing !!! that you were pumped, Mom. :)
We love you and can't wait to hear more about the races!