Sunday, February 4, 2018


Big, Big, BIG NEWS!!!!!!!  I mis-wrote myself this morning or whenever and said Randy was 11th yesterday but he really was 12th – so that makes TODAY  A REALLY BIG DEAL!!!!!!  7TH OVERALL WITH ONLY 1 MINUTE TODAY BETWEEN HIM AND FIRST PLACE!!!!!  Congratulations all over the place – people and other unlimited dog drivers were genuinely happy for Randy after having such a bad time for the last oh, 7 years……….so we are also very happy and Randy is very tired and I am making dinner (shrimp to celebrate) and will tell you more tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Trenkle Family said...

WOO HOO!!!! WOWZA!!! I'm so thrilled for you, Randy! Way to go!!!!!!!!

Can't wait to hear more about the race, but i'm sure it feels really good right now!

Love you!