Friday, October 26, 2018


I was dismayed to look at the blog and see that I had not posted since Sunday!!!!!  Amazing how fast time cangofor 2 old “f…ts”!!!!  Here it is Friday ad we are in the middle of the annual training session and rabies clinic that takes place right herein  our neighborhood every year!

I guess Monday was dinner at Jan’s with Carol and John Waltman – good visit –Jan is not going to be here this y ear for the rig session and seminar that they started long ago because she is going to another seminar down in Arkansas – 
Trained through the week and it went good  =they are up to 10 miles now and we still have 2 months  to train here!  The weather has been pretty good for both dogs and drivers – about 40 dgrees.
Today we did run across the road to the trails that the Magnussons have set up for the training weekend (probably over 250 dogs on the trail)– they not only have many many dog teams for our dogs to pass but they also put up Halloween decorations on the trail for the dogs to see and get used to seeing different things on the trail! I will try to take pictures the next time we go out – it was raining lightly today so not a great photo op!
Tonight we are going out to dinner with Annie Malo and Marco Rivest – people we know from racing for over 10 years and from Quebec – though we have never spent “Quality time” with them before so this will be good to eat dinner together – more about the rest of the weekend tomorrow!!

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