Monday, October 29, 2018

What a great weekend!!!

I didn’t do very good getting an update on the blog in a timely manner………busy, busy weekend – probably the busiest we will be until the racing season starts!
Friday nite dinner at Pine Stump Junction was nice – we got to know them much better – they live about an hour or less from Bellerive’s home – so it was probably nice for them to have someone to talk to that knows a bit about where they live – 
Saturday was a “training the pups” day and then I spent most of the rest of the time until the potluck making hot taco dip, peanut butter and chocolate covered rice crispie treats, bbq wieners and chocolate covered pretzls (only they ended up being “frosted on one side pretzls because I guess the chocolate was getting too old to stay “spreadable” when I microwaved it – what a pain individually frosting a plate full of little star shaped pretzls!!!!
The pot luck was great as usual – the thing that cracked me up was that I thought I was bringing kind of unusual things to share……………….and so did the other 5 people that brought hot dips and the other 4 people that brought rice crispy treats with chocolate on top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Dave Turner from Fairbanks AK was the speaker and he was pretty funny describing how he trains and his experiences running mid-distance races all over the US.
Sunday was 2 team training and we passed another slug of dog teams head on – probably about 7 of them – and not small teams…..Magnussons were running 2 teams of 16 every time they went out and we have 11 – only one cluster with one of the passings out of the whole weekend which was very good!!!  We have one new leader this year that we haven’t run him in a race yet so it was good to see how he handled lots of dogs on the trailside and passing head-on! I would guess there were about 10 dog camps set up and even more people came for the day to train or potluck – so there were over 50 people at the dinner and presentation.
Sunday was adult training and then sitting around the campfire for the afternoon – luckily most of the 4 days was rain-free or only drizzle – so it all turned out very well! The chocolate pretzls didn’t go over that well so Randy and I ate them up while I watched some of my horror movies – I have maybe 20 to go and it’s almost Halloween!!!!
We did get 5 rabies shots on Saturday and the vet that comes from Manistique did them – he looked at teeth of 4 brothers we have that have chronic mouth problems (the vet says some dogs just have and mouth chemistry that enhances mouth problems and these 4 do…..) So 2 of them are going in for cleaning next month – and one of our leaders has a lump on his hip so we are going to have that biopsied also.
Today/Monday we trained pups and it was sunny for the first time in a long time – feels nice!!!!
If you are able there are lots and lots of pics and video from the weekend on face book  - if you want to get a flavor for how many dogs there were here!!!!

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